Registration is now open!
To register for LabPhon18, please use the registration form.
Please note: the form will only work if your membership is current and will extend through July 8, 2022. If you experience an error about permissions to view the form, it may be that your membership will need to be renewed.
Fee structure
Conference attendance is free for members of the Association for Laboratory Phonology so long as your membership extends through July 8, 2022. If your membership is set to expire, you will be directed to renew when you register for LabPhon18.
We're happy to report that this year the ALP has chosen to extend fee waivers for all students who do not receive financial support. This means if you do not receive funding to cover conference attendance, you may be able to attend LabPhon18 for free!
For non-members, cost of registration will depend on your status ($210 / $80 for students, with the possibility to apply for fee reductions), and will include a two-year membership in the ALP. For more information, please consult the membership pages.