Other Events

Annual Meeting

The Association for Laboratory Phonology holds an annual meeting for Members. In even-numbered years, the meeting is held during LabPhon. In odd-numbered years, when there is no LabPhon conference, the meeting is held at some other conference where many Association Members are likely to be in attendance. These locations so far:


Sponsored Conferences and Workshops

The Association for Laboratory Phonology has informal "sister organization" relationships with some other organizations, and also sponsors workshops and conferences other than the Association's own LabPhon conference series, at which members of the Association typically have a reduced registration fee. (This document describes how to request sponsorship.) The list of sponsored events includes:

Summer 2023 Workshop Unlaboratory Phonology: Corpus Approaches

The Association of Laboratory Phonology is sponsoring Unlaboratory Phonology: Corpus Approaches, a 3-day workshop led by Eleanor Chodroff (June 13), Morgan Sonderegger (July 18), and Christian DiCanio (July 21)! This workshop will be free to ALP members. For details and registration go to this page

Phonetics and Phonology in Europe 2023

The fifth Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE 2023) conference is taking place 2-4 June 2023 in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. PaPE is an interdisciplinary forum for research and on all areas of phonetics and phonology, promoting discussion of speech approached from multiple perspectives: neurolinguistics, psycholinguistics, computational linguistics and speech technologies. The theme of PaPE 2023 is 'Speech Variation in the Wild', particularly welcoming contributions dealing with the study of speech in its natural habitat: this includes the study of speech and language variation, bi/multilingual speech, and the use of natural data in studies of phonetics and phonology. 

B4SS — Bayesian Analysis for Speech Science Workshop 2021

The Association of Laboratory Phonology is sponsoring B4SS — Bayesian Analysis for Speech Science, a three-day workshop organized by Drs. Timo Roettger, Joseph Casillas, and Stefano Corretta 5, 6, and 12 July 2021! This workshop will be free to ALP members. For details go to https://learnb4ss.github.io/. Register here.

Phonetics and Phonology in Europe 2019

The third Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE; http://conference.unisalento.it/ocs/index.php/pape2019/pape2019) conference was 17-19 June 2019 in Lecce, Italy. The PaPE conferences are an interdisciplinary forum bringing together researchers interested in all areas of phonetics and phonology, particularly Laboratory Phonology. PaPE actively promotes interdisciplinary work that connects laboratory phonology to other fields.

Workshop on the Processing of Prosody across Languages and Varieties (ProsLang)

The Workshop on the Processing of Prosody across Languages and Varieties aims to bring together researchers who are looking at commonalities and differences in the use of prosodic cues in speech processing across different languages, and also different varieties of major languages. ProsLang will be held at the School of Languages and Applied Language Studies, Victoria University of Wellington (VUW), New Zealand, on 29-30 November, 2018 (just before the 17th Speech Science & Technology Conference in Sydney).

Phonetics and Phonology in Europe 2017

The second PaPE conference was held in Cologne, Germany, on 12-14 June 2017. The PaPE conferences are an interdisciplinary forum bringing together researchers interested in all areas of phonetics and phonology, both theoretical and applied, with a special focus on Laboratory Phonology. The Cologne PaPE conference complements this broad mission with the more specific aim of contributing toward a fundamental integration of the fields of phonetics and phonology. Congratulations to the two winners of the Association for Laboratory Phonology Best Student Paper Award:

Abstraction, Diversity, and Speech Dynamics

This LMU IPS conference aimed to advance our understanding of the rich diversity of ways in which linguistic and social meaning are connected to the cognitive and physical aspects of speaking, by bringing together scientists from various disciplines engaged in research on areas such as memory and its relationship to abstraction, feedback and feedforward control systems, and modelling the association between discrete categories and continuous speech dynamics. It was held at Herrsching am Ammersee on 3-5 May 2017. After the workshp, there was a call for submissions to a special issue of Laboratory Phonology on the same topics.

4th International Workshop on Sound Change

The 4th International Workshop on Sound Change was held 19-22 April, 2017, at the University of Edinburgh in Edinburgh, Scotland, with the 19th reserved for two satellite workshops on Language Socialization and Sound Change in Progress and Innovative Methods in Sociophonetics II. WSC4 continues the series of workshops that have previously been held in Barcelona (2010), Kloster Seeon (2012) and Berkeley (2014). The aim of this workshop series is to bring together scholars from a wide range of theoretical and methodological backgrounds in order to foster truly collaborative and interdisciplinary work on the actuation, evaluation, transmission, and diffusion of sound change. Congratulations to the two winners of the LabPhon Best Student Paper Award:

7th Conference on Tone and Intonation in Europe

The 7th Conference on Tone and Intonation in Europe was held 1-3 September 2016, at the University of Canterbury in Kent. Congratulations to the two winners of the LabPhon Best Student Paper Award:

18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences

The 2015 annual meeting of members of the Association was held at the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, in Glasgow, Scotland. Congratulations to the two winners of the LabPhon Best Student Paper Award:

In addition, the following six student papers were singled out for a special mention:

Thank you to all of our reviewers and congratulations to the prizewinners!

Phonetics and Phonology in Europe 2015

The Association co-sponsored Phonetics and Phonology in Europe, held at the University of Cambridge on 29-30 June 2015. Congratulations to the two winners of the LabPhon Best Student Paper Award:


ProVar Workshop on Prosodic Variation, the 2nd Workshop of the project Interactive Atlas of the Prosody of Portuguese, was hosted by the Phonetics Lab at the University of Lisbon on July 9, 2015. The Association for Laboratory Phonology is a co-sponsor of the event, and a reduced fee is available for members. More information about the workshop can be found here: ProVar

WELL 2015

The Workshop on Early Language - Lisbon was hosted by the Lisbon Baby Lab at the University of Lisbon on July 10, 2015. The workshop covered topics such as early language assessment, typical development, and language impairment. A reduced fee is availble for members of the Association of Laboratory Phonology. More information about the workshop can be found here: WELL 2015

LARP7 2014

Laboratory Approaches to Romance Phonology VII is a co-sponsored conference held 3-5 September 2014, in Aix-en-Provence (France). This is the first time the conference was held in Europe. More information about the conference can be found here: LARP7.


This is a conference co-sponsered by ALP held 18-21 August 2014, in São Paulo, Brazil. More information about the conference can be found here: DINAFON 2014.

Gestural Coordination Within and Between Speakers in First Language Phonological Acquisition

This was a satellite workshop held in conjunction with LabPhon 14 on the day following the conference, 28 July 2014, in Tokyo. More information about the workshop can be found here.

10th International Seminar on Speech Production

This was the tenth International Seminar in Speech Production, held 5-8 May 2014 in Cologne. More information about the conference can be found here: ISSP2014.

PaPI 2013

This was the sixth conference on Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia, held 25-26 June 2013 in Lisbon, Portugal. Here is a link to the conference web site.

Advancing Prosodic Transcription for Spoken Language Science and Technology II

This was a satellite workshop held in conjuction with PaPI 2013 in Lisbon. It was organized by Mariapaola D'Imperio and Martine Grice and was a followup to the first workshop on the same topic held after LabPhon13. Here is a link to the workshop website.

Introduction to Linear Mixed Models

This was a Tutorial Workshop offered by Matt Goldrick to Association Members who were in Montreal for the 165th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, on 2 June 2013. Here is a link to the tutorial materials.

Advancing Prosodic Transcription for Spoken Language Science and Technology

This was a satellite workshop held after LabPhon13 in Stuttgart. It was organized by Jennifer Cole and Stefanie Shattuck-Hufnagel and addressed the challenge of prosodic transcription for research in spoken language sciences and for the development of computer speech technologies. Here is a link to the workshop program.