Abstract submission for the 19th Conference on Laboratory Phonology is open until Monday, December 18 at 11:59 PM Niue time through EasyChair. Use the following link to submit your paper:
Abstract guidelines
- Abstracts must be submitted in PDF format through EasyChair. Submissions may be made from November 1 until December 18, 2023, observing the "Anywhere on Earth" deadline (according to Niue time zone).
There will be no deadline extension under any circumstances.
EasyChair Submission Link: Please use the following link for EasyChair submissions: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=labphon19
Abstracts should be written in English and must not exceed one page of text, totaling a maximum of 600 words. References, examples, and figures can be included on a second page.The 600-word limit for abstracts is a flexible guideline. This flexibility is due to the frequent inclusion of numbers and symbols in the word count. As long as the abstract fits within one page, adhering to the required format, it will be acceptable. The format specifications are as follows: The abstracts should be in PDF format, using a 12-point Times New Roman font. Margins should be 2.54 cm (1 inch) on an A4 page, -
The submitted abstracts should be in PDF format, using Times New Roman font with a font size of 12. Margins should be set at 2.54 cm or 1 inch on an A4 page format, and single spacing must be applied with no page numbers.
The file name of the abstract should adhere to the format: Paper_title.pdf. The file name must match the paper title up to the first 9 words. For instance, “Where_speech_sounds_meet_the_architecture_of_the_grammar.pdf”
Do not include author names or affiliations within the filename or the content of the abstract.
While submitting, authors must specify the relevant conference theme(s) to which their submission aligns. Additionally, authors should indicate whether the abstract is intended for an oral presentation, poster presentation, or both.
During the submission process, authors must provide between three and five keywords that accurately characterize their submission.
Each author is permitted to submit one abstract as the first author. Additionally, authors may participate as co-authors in a maximum of one additional abstract. In other words, authors can contribute up to two submissions, either with one as the first author and the other as a co-author, or with both as co-authors.
*(newly added) We make an exception to this limit: An individual can submit one abstract as the first author and multiple papers as a co-author, provided that the first author of each of the additional abstracts is their student at the time of submission.