Oral Presentation
Thematic Sessions | Total | Talk | Q/A |
Invited Speaker | 40 min. | 30 min. | 10 min. |
Thematic Talk 1 | 20 min. | 15 min. | 5 min. |
Thematic Talk 2 | 20 min. | 15 min. | 5 min. |
Invited Discussant | 30 min. | 25 min. | 5 min. |
Non-Thematic Sessions | Total | Talk | Q/A |
Regular Talks | 15 min. | 12 min. | 3 min. |
- We are very keen on keeping to the schedule, and the chair will be very strict about these time restrictions.
- Please time your talk in advance so that you can cover your prepared material within the allotted time.
Poster Presentation
Poster Size
The recommended poster size is A0, with a horizontal width of 84.1cm and a vertical height of 118.9cm. The maximum width allowed is 90cm and the maximum height allowed is 150cm.
Please ensure that your poster falls within these size limitations.
Poster Code
D1~D3: Day of the presentation / 01~52: Designated number / MH, R1, R2, R3: Poster locations.
There will be four poster locations: MH (Main Hall), R1 (Room 1: Glass Room), R2 (Room 2: Rooms 613-614), and R3 (Room 3: Room 615).
Poster Locations | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 |
Main Hall (MH) | 01~14 (14 posters) | 01~14 (14 posters) | 01~14 (14 posters) |
Glass Room (R1) | 15~33 (19 posters) | 15~33 (19 posters) | 15~33 (19 posters) |
613-614 (R2) | 34~43 (10 posters) | 34~43 (10 posters) | 34~42 (9 posters) |
615 (R3) | 44~52 (9 posters) | 44~52 (9 posters) | 43~52 (10 posters) |
Example: D3:11(MH) means your poster will be presented on Day3 with its poster number 11 in the main hall. Please take a note of your poster code, so that you will remember where to present your poster.
Where to find your designated poster code:
Final Abstract Instruction
Submission of the final abstract by March 15: The authors of all the presentations (oral or poster) must submit a final version of the abstract that is strictly two pages long (no more than 2 pages). Please be reminded that the 600-word limit for abstracts is a flexible guideline. This flexibility is due to the frequent inclusion of numbers and symbols in the word count. As long as the abstract fits within one page, adhering to the required format specified below, it will be acceptable.
- Abstracts must be submitted in both Word and PDF formats via Easychair.com by March 15, 2024. It is important to use an A4 format!
- This submission should replace the initial PDF submission and must include an additional Word file as a second document to be uploaded.
- Ensure margins are set to 2.54 (1 inch) on all sides in an A4 format, apply a fixed line spacing of 13pt, and adhere to the paragraph indentation specified in this template. Avoid leaving a line between paragraphs.
- Use Times New Roman font with the following specifications: (a) Title: 12 points, bold; (b) Author names: 11 points; (c) Affiliations: 10 points, italicized; (d) Main text: 12 points; (e) Figure captions, examples, table titles on the second page: 10 points; (f) References: 9 or 10 points (no smaller than 9 points).
- For phonetic symbols, use only Unicode characters or the Doulos SIL font.
- References should be numbered in the main body of the abstract (e.g., [1,2]) in the order they appear in the text. The reference section must include only those references cited in the abstract.
- Ensure all fonts, including special symbols, are embedded in the final PDF.
Reviewer comments: Consider the reviewers' comments provided with the acceptance letter to enhance your abstract and presentation. Upload the final version to EasyChair by March 15, 2024, ensuring it reflects the reviewers' feedback and any new data since your initial submission.
▶ Word Template (Use this template for generating the final version of your abstract)
▶ Invited Speakers & Discussants