May 20, 2024: Extension of Late Registration till June 16.
Accommodating some requests, we are pleased to announce that the LabPhon 19 late registration deadline, which was originally May 20, is now extended until June 16 (anywhere on Earth). Please also note that banquet fees will remain the same as during Early Registration.
Refund policy
1. No ALP Membership Dues Refund: Membership dues are non-refundable.
2. Refund for Registration Fee Requests Made Before June 16th: Requests for refunds for registration fees made before June 16th will be eligible for a full refund.
3. Partial refunds are also available for specific items such as dinner/banquet tickets and t-shirts
4. No Refunds From June 17th: After June 10th, no refunds will be issued for registration fees.
* Please note that all refund requests and any related questions must be submitted to the following address:
February 29, 2024: Notification of acceptance
The decision on the LabPhon 19 paper submission was sent through the EasyChair website on February 29, 2024.
<Update your current abstract with a final version by March 15, 2024>
Please review the comments from the reviewers to enhance your abstract and presentation. Upload the final version of your abstract to EasyChair by March 15, 2024. When revising your abstract, incorporate the reviewers' feedback as much as possible, along with any new data that may have emerged since your initial submission. Please also ensure that you upload both a Word document and a PDF file, with all authors' names and affiliations correctly listed.
For formatting guidance for the final version of your abstract, please consult the final Word template available in our author guidance at https://labphon.org/labphon19/author-guidance. Please adhere strictly to the formatting guidelines provided.
<Important Notice for Free Hotel Accommodation for Students: Apply by March 15>
If you are a student travelling from abroad who is the *first* author and will be presenting your paper, either as a talk or a poster, we are pleased to offer complimentary accommodation. Please note that you will share with another student who is also the first author of a different presentation. This accommodation will be provided for up to 4 nights, from June 26, 2024 (Wednesday, check-in), to June 30, 2024 (Sunday, check-out). Unfortunately, we cannot cover any dates outside this period. Please be aware that due to budgetary and logistical limitations, only those who apply for the student accommodation support by March 15, 2024 will be considered. No further arrangement of student accommodation will be made for the request made after this date.
Please submit your details through the provided Google Form link by March 15, 2024, to apply for this support.
Google form link: https://forms.gle/26huriuhKs3gGPR7A
<Satellite workshops>
There will be three satellite workshops scheduled for Wednesday, June 26, 2024, the day before the main conference. These workshops include: CorpusPhon (abstract submission deadline: March 6, organized by Eleanor Chodroff, Christian DiCanio, Morgan Sonderegger, and Márton Sóskuthy); Phonetic Imitation (abstract submission deadline: March 15, organized by Harim Kwon, Beth MacLeod, and Kuniko Nielsen; and Variance and Invariance in Phonological Representation (abstract submission deadline: March 29, organized by Sam Kirkham and Patrycja Strycharczuk). More information is available at: https://labphon.org/labphon19/satellite-workshops
We thank you once again for your contribution to and support of LabPhon 19. We eagerly anticipate your participation in Seoul and believe it will significantly contribute to the success of the conference. Should you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at labphon19seoul@gmail.com
Best regards,
The Organizing and Program Committee of LabPhon 19
Taehong Cho
Sahyang Kim
Jeff Holliday
Sang-Im Lee-Kim
December 13, 2023: Abstract submission deadline
As the LanPhon 19 abstract submission deadline nears, we would like to clarify a few points based on questions received from prospective authors.
Firstly, please be advised that no deadline extensions will be granted. Secondly, we also encourage submissions to non-thematic sessions for themes not listed as conference sub-themes. Thirdly, note that workshop submissions are entirely independent of this process, and students who only participate in workshop presentations will not be eligible for accommodation support. Lastly, please treat the 600-word limit for abstracts as a flexible guideline, given that numbers and symbols are often counted as words. Abstracts must fit within a single page, allowing for this flexibility in word count. The required format specifications are as follows: PDF format, 12-point Times New Roman font, 2.54 cm (1 inch) margins on an A4 page, single spacing, and no page numbers.
Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=labphon19
Submission deadline: December 18, 2023 (Anywhere on Earth)
Taehong Cho
Chair, LabPhon 19
Also on behalf of other Organizing Committee members:
Sahyang Kim, Jeff Holliday and Sang-Im Lee Kim