Since March 2020, we have all been faced with a rapidly changing environment, as we adjust to life in a socially-distanced world. For researchers in laboratory phonology, this has impacted not only the methods of our research, but also the topics that we choose to investigate.
Call for Satellite Events
Deadline for workshop proposal submission: January 15, 2022 (deadline extended!)
Notification of acceptance: January 29, 2022
LabPhon18 can accommodate up to 8 half-day satellite workshops. The days available for workshops are June 22, 2022 and June 26, 2022. Although workshops related to the overall conference theme are welcome, non-thematic proposals are as well.
Satellite event
Challenges for Change: A crowd-sourced brainstorming session
Satellite Workshop, LabPhon 18, June 22, 2022
Valerie Freeman (Oklahoma State University)
Paul De Decker (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
Organizing Committee
Florent Dueme |
Indranil Dutta Contact InformationTo contact the organizers, please use the following email address: Abstract guidelinesAbstract submission for the 18th Conference on Laboratory Phonology is now closed. Abstracts were submitted on EasyChair, at Invited Speakers