Poster Code
D1~D3: Day of the presentation / 01~52: Designated number / MH, R1, R2, R3: Poster locations
There will be four poster locations: MH (Main Hall), R1 (Room 1: Glass Room), R2 (Room 2: Rooms 613-614), and R3 (Room 3: Room 615).
Example: D3:11(MH) means your poster will be presented on Day3 with its poster number 11 in the main hall. Please take a note of your poster code, so that you will remember where to present your poster.
For information on poster size and the exact location of poster presentations:
Day 1, June 27, 2024 (Thu)
D1:01(MH) Angelo Dian, Francesco Burroni (University of Melbourne; Institute for Phonetics and Speech Processing, Institute for Phonetics and Speech Processing, LMU Munich)
A machine learning investigation of durational and non-durational cues to stop gemination in Italian across regional varieties and speaking rates
D1:02(MH) Alexander Kilpatrick (Nagoya University of Commerce and Business)
Information Equilibration in English and Japanese Morphemes
D1:03(MH) Shuang Zheng, Youngah Do (University of Hong Kong)
Phonetic substance in alternation learning: comparing learning bias across linguistic domains
D1:04(MH) Caihong Weng, Alexander Martin, Ioana Chitoran (Université Paris Cité; University of Groningen; Université Paris Cité)
Testing the production-perception link in a sibilant fricative contrast
D1:05(MH) Omar Alkhonini (Majmaah University)
Vowels in Initial Najdi Consonant Sequences: Phonological or Intrusive?
D1:06(MH) Harim Kwon, Suzy Ahn (Seoul National University; University of Ottawa)
Underlying and derived tense stops in Seoul Korean
D1:07(MH) Vsevolod Kapatsinski (University of Oregon)
Hierarchical inference, frequency, context, and frequency in context
D1:08(MH) Amber Galvano, Daniel Ibrahim Kamara (University of California, Berkeley)
NC voicing dissimilation in Tonko Limba
D1:09(MH) Sang-Im Lee-Kim, Ssu-Ying Chen, Lacey Wade, Meredith Tamminga (Hanyang University; National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University; Kansas University; University of Pennsylvania)
Multiple nasal mergers in Taiwan Mandarin: a case of perception-production misalignment
D1:10(MH) Canaan Breiss, Hironori Katsuda, Shigeto Kawahara (University of Southern California; University of Toronto - Scarborough; The Keio Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies)
Frequency-conditioned variation constrained by the grammar in Japanese nasalization
D1:11(MH) Jan Luttenberger, Eva Reinisch (Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg; Acoustics Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences)
Replacing retroflex laterals: The spread of /l/-vocalization in East Austrian dialects
D1:12(MH) Juliusz Cęcelewski, Marzena Żygis, Jane Stuart-Smith (Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie (CNRS & U. Sorbonne Nouvelle); Leibniz-ZAS & Humboldt University, Berlin; Glasgow University Laboratory of Phonetics, University of Glasgow, Glasgow)
An acoustic-dynamic study of historical ɫ-vocalization in spontaneous Polish
D1:13(MH) Yue Yin (Peking University)
Does language contact influence the direction of production-perception misalignment? The case of vowel length contrast in Long’an Zhuang
D1:14(MH) Evan Coles-Harris, Rebecca Scarborough (University of Colorado Boulder)
Cross-dialectal Priming and Contact-induced Dialect Leveling in Nanjing, China
D1:15(R1) Sujin Oh, Hanyong Park (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
L1 Category Precision Hypothesis and L1-L2 Perceptual Mapping: Korean Learners’ English Vowels
D1:16(R1) Youran Lin, Karen Pollock, Fangfang Li (University of Alberta; University of Alberta; University of Lethbridge)
Perceived cue weighting in bilingual children’s Mandarin tone productions: Effects of home language background and schooling experience
D1:17(R1) Tong Shu, Peggy Mok (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Acquiring social characteristics of phonetic variants in L2: The case of L2 perception of Japanese tap /ɾ/ and velar stop /g/
D1:18(R1) Hyunah Baek, Wonil Choi (Ajou University; Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology)
What causes difficulty in discriminating non-native contrasts: Is it representation or auditory mapping?
D1:19(R1) Tong Zhang, Rendong Cai, Jiexuan Lin (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies)
The Effect of Syllable Frequency and Cognitive Load on L2 Phonetic Convergence and its Generalization
D1:20(R1) Motoko Ueyama (University of Bologna)
Effects of learning experiences on emotional speech produced by Italian learners of Japanese
D1:21(R1) Sijia Zhang, Molly Babel, Christopher Hammerly (University of British Columbia)
The online processing of non-native phonological contrasts in L2: from acoustics to lexicon
D1:22(R1) Daiki Hashimoto, Reiko Asada, Keigo Tatsuya (Joetsu University of Education)
Seeing written forms influences lab-based phonetic convergence
D1:23(R1) Emily J. Clare, Jessamyn Schertz (University of Toronto)
Effects of talker accent and listener language background on lexical retuning and phonetic categorization
D1:24(R1) Donald Derrick, Mark Jermy, Bryan Gick (University of Canterbury; University of Canterbury; University of British Columbia)
Speech airflow outside the mouth
D1:25(R1) Seung-Eun Kim, Qingcheng Zeng, Bronya R. Chernyak, Joseph Keshet, Matthew Goldrick, Ann R. Bradlow (Northwestern University; Northwestern University; Technion - Israel Institute of Technology; Technion - Israel Institute of Technology; Northwestern University; Northwestern University)
Quantifying perceptual similarity of connected speech
D1:26(R1) Scarlet Wan Yee Li, Margarethe McDonald, Tania Zamuner (University of Ottawa; University of Kansas; University of Ottawa)
Listeners integrate semantic and phonetic cues during sentence comprehension
D1:27(R1) Ann Wai Huen To, Mingxing Li (The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University; Hong Kong Baptist University)
The influence of L1 segment-tone combinations on the identification of sounds
D1:28(R1) Hauke Lindstädt, Francesco Cangemi, Aviad Albert, Martine Grice (IfL Phonetik, University of Cologne)
Can you believe that? Both strength and melody distinguish between non-genuine questions
D1:29(R1) Zifeng Liu, Ioana Chitoran, Giuseppina Turco (Clillac-ARP; Université Paris Cité; Clillac-ARP; Université Paris Cité; CNRS, LLF, Université Paris Cité)
Perceptuomotor effect of lexical tones in Mandarin
D1:30(R1) Alessa Farinella, Seung Suk Lee (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
The perception of tonal and segmental cues to phrasing in Seoul Korean
D1:31(R1) Rikke Bundgaard-Nielsen, Brett Baker, Robert Mailhammer, Yizhou Wang, Mark Harvey, Chloe Turner (University of Melbourne & MARCS Institute, Western Sydney University; University of Melbourne; Western Sydney University; University of Melbourne; University of Newcastle; University of Melbourne)
D1:32(R1) Marco Fonseca, Brennan Dell, Amana Greco (Whitman College; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Federal University of Minas Gerais)
The architecture of LabPhon: towards a decolonial approach to language theory
D1:33(R1) Hyoju Kim, Jieun Lee, Tzu-Hsuan Yang, Phoebe Evans (University of Iowa; University of Kansas; University of Kansas; University of Kansas)
Individual differences in speech perception: Exploring cue weighting, categorization gradiency, and cognitive control
D1:34(R2) Daejin Kim, Caroline Smith (University of New Mexico)
Articulation of tongue dorsum in Seoul Korean bilabial obstruents
D1:35(R2) Bartlomiej Czaplicki, Malgorzata Cavar, Paula Orzechowska (University of Warsaw; Indiana University; Adam Mickiewicz University)
Articulatory correlates of morphologically conditioned assimilation: Evidence from ultrasound imaging
D1:36(R2) Justine Mertz, Lena Pagel, Giuseppina Turco, Doris Mücke (Ifl Phonetics, University of Cologne; Ifl Phonetics, University of Cologne; Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle, CNRS, UMR 7110, Université Paris Cité; Ifl Phonetics, University of Cologne)
Using electromagnetic articulography in LSF: A new approach to sign language kinematics
D1:37(R2) Fengyue Lisa Zhao, Sam Tilsen (Cornell University)
Syllable Position Prominence in Unsupervised Neural Network Segment Categorization
D1:38(R2) Chang Wang, Jie Zhang (University of Kansas)
Speech planning influences application and realization of Mandarin Tone 3 sandhi
D1:39(R2) Yujin Song, Laura Wagner, Rachael Frush Holt, Rebekah Stanhope, Sarah White, Shari R. Speer (The Ohio State University; The Ohio State University; The Ohio State University; Northwestern University; The Ohio State University; The Ohio State University)
The acquisition of prosodic prominence to disambiguate compounds and phrases
D1:40(R2) Alvin Cheng-Hsien Chen (National Taiwan Normal University)
The Role of Pitch Variability in Holistic Language Processing and its Connection to Usage-based Grammatical Competence
D1:41(R2) Rina Furusawa, Le Xuan Chan, Seunghun Lee (International Christian University; National University of Singapore; International Christian University, IIT Guwahati)
Focus prosody in Japanese adjectival complex DPs: F0 and durational cues
D1:42(R2) Frank Kügler, Anja Arnhold, Corinna Langer, Nele Ots (Goethe-University Frankfurt; University of Alberta; Goethe-University Frankfurt; Goethe-University Frankfurt)
On the prosodic expression of focus within complex noun phrases in Finno-Ugric languages
D1:43(R2) Hongchen Wu, Jiwon Yun (Georgia Institute of Technology; Stony Brook University)
Holistic Prosodic Examination of Mandarin Wh-indeterminates
D1:44(R3) Beth MacLeod (Carleton University)
Subtle, but significant: the centralization of unstressed vowels in Spanish
D1:45(R3) Nief Al-Gamdi, Jalal Al-Tamimi, Ghada Khattab (University of Bisha, Saudi Arabia; Université Paris Cité, CNRS, Laboratoire de linguistique formelle (LLF), F-75013 Paris France.; Newcastle University, UK)
Final laryngeal neutralization in Najdi Arabic stops
D1:46(R3) Dayeon Yoon, Nicolas Audibert, Cécile Fougeron (Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie (CNRS & U. Sorbonne Nouvelle))
Phonological constraints, prosodic position and speaker sex in coarticulatory vowel nasalization in French and Korean
D1:47(R3) Sam Kirkham, Patrycja Strycharczuk, Emily Gorman (Lancaster University; University of Manchester; Lancaster University)
Dynamical modelling of vowel diphthongisation: From synchronic variation to diachronic change
D1:48(R3) Connie Ting, Meghan Clayards (McGill University)
Cross-linguistic differences in the production and perception of consonant and vowel intrinsic F0 effects
D1:49(R3) Ka-Fai Yip, Xuetong Yuan (Yale University; University of Connecticut)
Teasing apart the prosodic effects of focus and of defocus: syntax-prosody mismatches in right dislocation
D1:50(R3) Ping Tang, Shanpeng Li, Qianxi Yu, Yanan Shen, Yan Feng (Nanjing University of Science and Technology)
Visual-articulatory Cues Facilitate Mandarin Tonal Recognition by Children with Cochlear Implants
D1:51(R3) Cécile Fougeron, Louise Wohmann-Bruzzo, Nicolas Audibert (Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, CNRS-Sorbonne Nouvelle)
On the reduction of V-to-C anticipatory labialization with age in adult speech.
D1:52(R3) Anne Michelle Tessier, Claire Moore Cantwell, Ashley Farris Trimble (University of British Columbia; UCLA; Simon Fraser University)
The Later Stages of Onset Cluster Development: Production Errors vs. Perceptual Judgments
Day 2, June 28, 2024 (Fri)
D2:01(MH) Sneha Ray Barman, Shakuntala Mahanta, Neeraj Kumar Sharma (IIT Guwahati)
Modeling unsupervised learning of regressive vowel harmony with GAN: A view from Assamese
D2:02(MH) Tsung-Ying Chen (National Tsung Hua University)
Revisiting the phonological learnability of *NonFinalR: A large-scale experimental study
D2:03(MH) Yury Makarov (University of Cambridge; Institute of Linguistics, RAS)
Study of incomplete voicing neutralisation in production and perception in Shughni and its methodological implications
D2:04(MH) Feier Gao, Yu-Fu Chien (Southeast University; Fudan University)
Morphemes, phones and phonological alternation: Retrieving lexical semantics and tonal representation of opaque words in Mandarin Chinese
D2:05(MH) Chloe D. Kwon, Sam Tilsen (Cornell University)
Phonetic evidence for compound tensification in Korean as a function of morphological context
D2:06(MH) Dominic Schmitz, Dinah Baer-Henney (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf; University of Duesseldorf, Institute for Linguistics)
Subphonemic durational differences in word-final /s/ induced by morphological categories in German
D2:07(MH) Peiman Pishyar-Dehkordi (University of Canterbury)
Sonority principles predicting cross-linguistic patterns in phonotactics also predict within-language probabilistic distributions of segment sequences
D2:08(MH) Ivy Hauser, Xinwen Zhang, Shang-Yune Tang (University of Texas at Arlington)
Contrast enhancement in clearly spoken Mandarin sibilants
D2:09(MH) Sora Heng Yin, Kathleen McCarthy, Adam Chong (Queen Mary University of London)
Gradient effect of homophony avoidance in the learning of neutralization
D2:10(MH) Ping-Yu Lin, Yu-An Lu (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University)
The impact of sound change on checked tone perception in Taiwanese Southern Min
D2:11(MH) Zhiqiang Zhu, Chunyu Ge, Peggy Mok (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
How does ongoing L1 phonological merger shape L2 liquid perception: Insights from Cantonese listeners with high and low English proficiency
D2:12(MH) Justin Bai, Rebecca Scarborough (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Listener-directed contrastive hyperarticulation in voicing-conditioned vowel duration
D2:13(MH) Suyuan Liu, Molly Babel (University of British Columbia)
Disentangling varying degree of contrast for Mandarin /in/-/iŋ/ rhymes through word-level patterns
D2:14(MH) Yoonjung Kang, Suyeon Yun, Na-Young Ryu (University of Toronto Scarborough; Chungnam University; Penn State University)
Talker- and listener-conditioned use of height-dependent vowel duration cue under sound change in progress: /o/ to /u/ raising in Daejeon Korean
D2:15(R1) Ye-Jee Jung, Olga Dmitrieva (Purdue University)
The effects of clear speaking style and lexical competitors on acoustic detail in native and non-native speech
D2:16(R1) Erik Morris, Karen Jesney (Université Paris Cité; Carleton University)
Very early L2 learning: Perception and Production of Greek by English Speakers
D2:17(R1) Xiaotong Xi, Peng Li (Shandong University of Finance and Economics; University of Oslo; Basque Center On Cognition, Brain and Language)
Exploring perceptual development of L2 phonological contrasts during a study abroad program
D2:18(R1) Helen Reese, Eva Reinisch (Austrian Academy of Sciences; Acoustics Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences)
The effect of speaker gender on second-language fricative perception
D2:19(R1) Lujia Yang, Karen Pollock, Youran Lin, Benjamin V. Tucker, Fangfang Li (University of Alberta; University of Alberta; University of Alberta; Northern Arizona Univerisity; University of Lethbridge)
From a Two-way Contrast to a Three-way Contrast: Voiceless Sibilant Fricative Production by Children in a Canadian Mandarin-English Bilingual Program
D2:20(R1) Wenqi Zeng, Onae Parker, Christine Shea (University of Iowa)
The effects of native phonetic categorization on L2 sound acquisition
D2:21(R1) Madeleine Oakley, Jeff Mielke, Jeannene Matthews (North Carolina State University)
Transfer of articulatory targets in production of second language Korean sibilants
D2:22(R1) Magdalena Ivok, H. Henny Yeung (Simon Fraser University)
The production of English stress by L1 and L2 speakers: Beyond binary stress levels
D2:23(R1) Theresa Rabideau, Suzy Ahn (University of Ottawa)
Investigating visual correlates during the voicing of Canadian English stops
D2:24(R1) Jieun Lee, Hyoju Kim, Tzu-Hsuan Yang, Phoebe Evans (University of Kansas; University of Iowa; University of Kansas; University of Kansas)
English listeners’ perceptual adaptation to unfamiliar lexical stress contrast
D2:25(R1) Josiane Riverin-Coutlée, Misnadin, James Kirby (Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München; Universitas Trunojoyo Madura; Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
A perception study on cue weighting in Madurese stops
D2:26(R1) Shu-Chen Ou, Zhe-Chen Guo (National Sun Yat-sen University; Northwestern University)
Shorter vowel duration as a potential word segmentation cue: A study with listeners of Taiwanese Southern Min
D2:27(R1) Stephen Politzer-Ahles (University of Kansas)
A failure to replicate the Ganong effect for tone continua
D2:28(R1) Alan Yu, Robert McAllister (University of Chicago)
Effects of perceptual cue weighting on lexical activation
D2:29(R1) Jeff Holliday, Georgia Zellou (University of Kansas; University of California, Davis)
Cross-linguistic perception of nasal coarticulation in an unfamiliar language
D2:31(R1) Weiyi Zhai, Meghan Clayards (McGill University)
Individual Differences in the Use of Phonetic and Lexical Context Across Tasks
D2:32(R1) Anh Kim Nguyen, Kevin Tang (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf)
The effect of syllable segmentation and phonological neighbours on spoken word recognition in Mandarin Chinese
D2:33(R1) Cerys Hughes (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Interaction of Voicing Cues in Discrimination Differs from Production
D2:34(R2) Yao-Zhen Zeng, Li-Hsin Ning (National Taiwan Normal University)
An Acoustic and Ultrasound Study Revealing Why Mandarin Speakers Struggle with English Vowel Sounds
D2:35(R2) Malgorzata Cavar, Sherman Charles (Indiana University)
The mechanics of palatalization: A dynamic account
D2:36(R2) Sam Tilsen (Cornell University)
Is prosodic phrase structure planned? Evidence from phrasal lengthening, autocorrelation, and Markov statistics in spontaneous speech
D2:37(R2) Seung Suk Lee (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Prosodically conditioned lenition, not voicing, of lenis in Seoul Korean spontaneous speech
D2:38(R2) Phuong Dang (The Ohio State University)
Rhythmic patterning in Vietnamese quadrisyllabic reduplicative words
D2:39(R2) Yin Lin Tan, Ting Lin, Meghan Sumner (Stanford University, National University of Singapore; Stanford University; Stanford University)
The effect of linguistic experience on the role of prosodic cues in categorizing Singlish
D2:40(R2) Bianca Maria De Paolis, Federico Lo Iacono (Università di Torino, Université Paris 8; Università di Torino)
Stress, intonation or phrasing? Focus marking and cross-linguistic influence in L2 French and L2 Italian
D2:41(R2) Aaron Seiler, Sabine Arndt-Lappe (Trier University)
Predicting stress in English verbs – analogy, morphology, and the level of abstraction of phonological patterns
D2:42(R2) Chun-Jan Young (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Lexical stress in Yami: investigating penultimate and final prominence
D2:43(R2) Richard Hatcher (Hanyang Institute for Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language (HIPCS))
Cayuga “Accent” or Intonation: Bridging Lexical Stress and Phrase-Level Prosody
D2:44(R3) Chenyu Li, Jalal Al-Tamimi (Université Paris Cité, LLF, CNRS)
A new model for tonal-segmental interaction in Standard Mandarin
D2:45(R3) Justin J. H. Lo (Lancaster University)
Speaker- and vowel-dependent anticipatory nasal coarticulation in Southern British English
D2:46(R3) Anisia Popescu, Ioana Chitoran (LISN, Université Paris Saclay; Université Paris Cité)
Light and dark /l/ in coda clusters: a four language comparison
D2:47(R3) Qianyutong Zhang, Lei Zhu (Shanghai International Studies University; Shanghai International Studies University)
Can we sing the tones of a tonal language? The duration of Mandarin tones under music context
D2:48(R3) Jailyn Pena (New York University)
Acoustic Correlates of the Danish Voice Quality Contrast
D2:49(R3) Jeanne Brown, Morgan Sonderegger (McGill University)
Creaky voice variation across language and gender in Canadian English-French bilingual speech
D2:50(R3) Ocke-Schwen Bohn (Aarhus University)
Phonetic flexibility in old age: Training seniors to perceive new speech sounds
D2:51(R3) Monika Krizic, Daniel Pape, Gemma Repiso Puigdelliura (McMaster University)
Autistic traits differences in cue-weighting of focus production and perception
D2:52(R3) Priscilla Fung, Jessamyn Schertz, Elizabeth Johnson (University of Toronto; University of Toronto Mississauga; University of Toronto)
Like Father/Mother, Like Son/Daughter? The Influence of Parents on Children's Gendered Speech Production
Day 3, June 29, 2024 (Sat)
D3:01(MH) Enkeleida Kapia, Josiane Riverin-Coutlée, Conceição Cunha, Jonathan Harrington (Institute for Phonetics and Speech Processing, LMU; Institute for Phonetics and Speech Processing - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München; Institute for Phonetics and Speech Processing (IPS), University of Munich; Institute for Phonetics and Speech Processing (IPS), University of Munich)
Testing the structure preservation and phonetic preservation approaches to compensatory lengthening
D3:02(MH) Thomas Kettig, Lisa Davidson (York University; New York University)
Acoustic correlates of stress in contrastive short and long vowels in ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi
D3:03(MH) Jiwon Hwang, Yu-An Lu (Stony Brook University; National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University)
Perception-production link by position in the imitation of Korean nasal stops
D3:04(MH) Olga Dmitrieva, Chiara Celata (Purdue University; Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo)
Asymmetries in the acoustic enhancement of phonological contrasts
D3:06(MH) Adam Albright, Canaan Breiss (Massachusetts Institute of Technology; University of Southern California)
A Poisson model of phonological cooccurrence restrictions
D3:07(MH) Brett Baker, Rikke Bundgaard-Nielsen, Chloe Turner (University of Melbourne; MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour and Development, Western Sydney University; University of Melbourne)
Initial velar nasal deletion in Wubuy is sensitive to morphological information as well as prosodic phrasing
D3:08(MH) Ian Carpick, Emily Knick, Cal Boye-Lynn, Amanda Rysling, Ryan Bennett (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Learned performance or auditory bias: carryover vs. anticipatory nasal coarticulation
D3:09(MH) Xiaoyu Yu, Samuel Sui Lung Sze, Thomas Van Hoey, Bingzi Yu, Frank Lihui Tan, Stephen Tsz To Ho, Wayne Tak Wang Li, Youngah Do (University of Hong Kong; University of Hong Kong; KU Leuven; MIT; University of Hong Kong; University of Hong Kong; University of Hong Kong; University of Hong Kong)
The acquisition, contact, and transmission of phonological variation
D3:10(MH) Yuhan Lin (Shenzhen University)
Sound Change and Cross-linguistic Influence among Multilingual Speakers: Evidence from /n/-/l/ Merger in Cantonese
D3:11(MH) Stefon Flego, Andy Wedel (Virginia Tech; University of Arizona)
Chain Shifts and Transphonologizations are Driven by Homophony Avoidance
D3:12(MH) Yanting Li, Xiao Dong, Ka-Fai Yip, Gareth Junjie Yang (UC Irvine; Indiana University Bloomington; Yale University; Middlebury College)
Variation of sibilant palatalization in homeland and heritage Cantonese
D3:13(MH) Ming Liu, Jonathan Havenhill (University of Hong Kong)
Syllable-based or Word-based? Representation of tones undergoing merger
D3:14(MH) Jonny Kim, Hyunjung So, Ahjin Ko, Jiyea Heo, Seoyeong Ahn (Pusan National University)
Ongoing VOT merger unmerged in a singing context
D3:15(R1) Nan Xing, Fangfang Li, Karen Pollock (University of Albera; University of Lethbridge; University of Alberta)
Speech Sound Development in Children Learning English as a Second Language in a Bilingual International School in China
D3:16(R1) Xizi Deng, Ho.Henny Yeung (Simon Fraser University)
The perception of accented English by English learners: Revisiting the interlanguage speech intelligibility benefit
D3:17(R1) Di Wang, Claire Nance (Lancaster University)
Third language phonetic and phonological acquisition: perceptual discrimination of consonants in Chongqing dialect, Standard Mandarin and English
D3:18(R1) Ki Woong Moon (University of Arizona)
Preceding Word Information for Predicting Speech Errors in EFL Speech
D3:19(R1) Wei Zhang, Meghan Clayards, Morgan Sonderegger (McGill University)
Qualitive differences in Mandarin tone imitation between Mandarin and English speakers
D3:20(R1) Koen Sebregts, Hielke Vriesendorp, Hugo Quené, Yosiane White (Utrecht University)
Long-term phonetic convergence vs. speaker-specificity: creaky voice in L2 English
D3:21(R1) Sarah Wesolek, Piotr Gulgowski, Ulrike Domahs, Marzena Zygis (Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS); University of Wrocław; Philipps-Universität Marburg; Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS))
L2 accent effect in the processing of grammatical and phonological errors: A German-Polish ERP study
D3:23(R1) Kathleen Currie Hall, Oksana Tkachman (University of British Columbia)
Articulatory Degrees of Freedom and Sign Language Lexicons
D3:24(R1) Chantal Marie Loresco De Leon (Northwestern University)
Influence of multiple sources of social information on speech comprehension and evaluation
D3:25(R1) Marc Barnard, Scott Kunkel, Rémi Lamarque, Adam J. Chong (Queen Mary University of London)
Pupillary response as a measure of cognitive load in the processing of accented speech
D3:26(R1) Jeonghwa Cho, Harim Kwon (University of Michigan; Seoul National University)
Perceptual adaptation to novel speech patterns: the effect of perceived talker identity
D3:27(R1) Karolina Bros (University of Warsaw)
Cross-linguistic perception of subphonemic stop contrasts – phonology beats phonetics
D3:28(R1) Song Yi Kim, Natasha Warner (University of Arizona)
Acoustic cues in perception of reduced speech
D3:29(R1) Eva Reinisch, Marianne Pouplier, Francesco Rodriquez, Philipp Howson, Justin J. H. Lo, Christopher Carignan, Bronwen Evans (Acoustics Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences; Institut für Phonetik und Sprachverarbeitung Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich; Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich; Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich; Lancaster University; University College London; University College London)
Using anticipatory nasal coarticulation for word recognition in German and French
D3:30(R1) Francesco Rodriquez, Marianne Pouplier, Phil J. Howson, Eva Reinisch, Justin J.H. Lo, Christopher Carignan, Bronwen G. Evans (Institut für Phonetik und Sprachverarbeitung Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich; Institut für Phonetik und Sprachverarbeitung Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich; Institut für Phonetik und Sprachverarbeitung Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich; Acoustics Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences; Lancaster University; University College London; University College London)
Perception of time-varying coarticulatory cues: nasal and labial coarticulation in French
D3:31(R1) Margarethe McDonald, Amélie Bernard, Katherine White, Chris Fennell (University of Kansas; Social Research and Demonstration Corporation; University of Waterloo; University of Ottawa)
Generalization of vowel-shift adaptation in children after exposure to foreign-accented speech
D3:32(R1) Rok Sim, Amanda Dalola, Drew Crosby (University of South Carolina; University of Minnesota; Korea University)
Talking Cute: How age and gender shape perceptions of Korean aegyo
D3:33(R1) Chris Lee (Boston University)
Perceptual weighting of prosodic cues to focus by Hong Kong Cantonese listeners
D3:34(R2) Margaret Cychosz, Arjun Pawar (UCLA; UCLA)
Bilingual language development as a lens into the relationship between child-directed speech and phonological processing
D3:35(R2) Eon-Suk Ko, Sunghye Cho (Chosun University; University of Pennsylvania)
Decoding Vowel Hyperarticulation in Korean Infant-Directed Speech
D3:36(R2) Connor McCabe (University College Dublin)
Principal components of lexical prominence in Munster Irish: analysis of nonword data
D3:37(R2) Xin Gao, Cesko Voeten, Mark Liberman (University of Pennsylvania; University of Pennsylvania / University of Amsterdam; University of Pennsylvania)
Prosodic boundaries and givenness on tonal coarticulation in conversational Cantonese
D3:38(R2) Mariko Sugahara, Sylvain Coulange, Tsuneo Kato (Doshisha University; Université Grenoble Alpes and Doshisha University; Doshisha University)
English Lexical Stress in Awareness and Production: Native and Non-native Speakers
D3:39(R2) Jiarui Zhang, Isabella Fritz, Aditi Lahiri (Language and Brain Laboratory, University of Oxford)
Planning Intonational TUNES of Questions in Guanzhong Mandarin
D3:40(R2) Kristine Yu, Alessa Farinella (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Variability in the prosodic realization of remote past in African American English
D3:41(R2) Johanna Cronenberg, Lori Lamel, Ioana Chitoran (Université Paris Cité; Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Sciences du Numérique; Université Paris Cité)
Acoustic Assessment of the Diphthong vs. Hiatus Distinction in Five Romance Languages: A Big Data Study
D3:42(R2) Jungyun Seo, Ruaridh Purse, Jelena Krivokapić (University of Michigan)
The effect of speech planning and prosodic structure on kinematic properties of gesture
D3:43(R3) Yaqian Huang (Acoustics Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences)
The effect of vocal fry and period doubling on the perceived naturalness of Mandarin tones
D3:44(R3) Una Chow, Molly Babel (University of British Columbia)
Gitksan fricatives: auditory-acoustic trajectories differentiate [s]-[ɬ]-[χ]-[h]
D3:45(R3) Eleanor Chodroff, Miao Zhang (University of Zurich)
A crosslinguistic analysis of intrinsic vowel duration
D3:46(R3) Miriam Oschkinat, Nicole Benker, Philip Hoole, Simone Falk, Simone Dalla Bella (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich; Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich; Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich; BRAMS – International Laboratory for Brain, Music and Sound Research, Université de Montréal; BRAMS – International Laboratory for Brain, Music and Sound Research)
Monitoring Speech Timing via Auditory Feedback in French
D3:47(R3) Myriam Lapierre, Ella De Falco (University of Washington)
Three degrees of vowel nasality in Kawaiwete (Tupi-Guarani)
D3:48(R3) Yao Yao, Meixian Li, Shiyue Li, Charles B. Chang (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Boston University)
Gender effects in the social perception of creaky voice in Mandarin Chinese
D3:49(R3) Mark Tiede, Sam Tilsen (Yale University; Cornell University)
Temporal flexibility of articulation within syllables
D3:50(R3) Lavinia Price, Marianne Pouplier, Philip Hoole (Institute for Phonetics and Speech Processing, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich; Institute for Phonetics and Speech Processing, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich; Institute for Phonetics and Speech Processing, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
Reaffirming Catford: A Real-time MRI Investigation of Larynx Raising in Amharic Ejectives
D3:51(R3) Maho Morimoto, Ai Mizoguchi, Takayuki Arai (Sophia University/Japan Society for the Promotion of Science; Maebashi Institute of Technology/National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics; Sophia University)
The Effect of Pitch-Accent on the Articulation of Coda Nasals in Japanese
D3:52(R3) Yoonjeong Lee, Jelena Krivokapic (University of Michigan)
The temporal organization of Seoul Korean prosody in multimodal gestures