Satellite Workshops

June 26th, 2024 (Wednesday)

Detailed information, including the call for papers, for each workshop can be found on the respective subpages.

Theme: CorpusPhon

Time: 09:00-16:50


Eleanor Chodroff (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Christian DiCanio (University at Buffalo, United States)
Morgan Sonderegger (McGill University, Canada)
Márton Sóskuthy (University of British Columbia, Canada)

▷ Go to the workshop webpage


Theme: Variance and invariance in phonological representation: Insights from articulation

Time: 09:00-12:30


Sam Kirkham (Lancaster University, UK)
Patrycja Strycharczuk (University of Manchester, UK)

▷ Go to the workshop webpage


Theme: Phonetic imitation: representation, sound change, and other theoretical implications

Time: 13:30-16:30


Harim Kwon (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea)
Beth MacLeod (Carleton University, Canada)
Kuniko Nielsen (Oakland University, United States)

▷ Go to the workshop webpage