Satellite workshops hosted by HIPCS, Hanyang University

The general organizing and supporting institute of these satellite workshops is HIPCS, Hanyang University (chair: Taehong Cho). There is no registration fee for attending the workshop. 

June 26th, 2024 (Wednesday)

Detailed information, including the call for papers, for each workshop can be found on the respective subpages.

Theme: CorpusPhon

Time: 09:00-16:50


Eleanor Chodroff (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Christian DiCanio (University at Buffalo, United States)
Morgan Sonderegger (McGill University, Canada)
Márton Sóskuthy (University of British Columbia, Canada)

▷ Go to the workshop webpage

Deadline for abstract submissions: Wednesday 6 March 13 March 2024 (11:59P, Anywhere on Earth (AoE)

Theme: Variance and invariance in phonological representation: Insights from articulation

Time: 09:00-12:30


Sam Kirkham (Lancaster University, UK)
Patrycja Strycharczuk (University of Manchester, UK)

▷ Go to the workshop webpage

Deadline for abstract submissions: Friday 29 March 2024 (by the end of the day, Anywhere on Earth time).

Theme: Phonetic imitation: representation, sound change, and other theoretical implications

Time: 13:30-17:00


Harim Kwon (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea)
Beth MacLeod (Carleton University, Canada)
Kuniko Nielsen (Oakland University, United States)

▷ Go to the workshop webpage

Workshop Registration

Deadline for abstract submissions: Friday 15 22 March 2024 (by the end of the day, Anywhere on Earth time).

Detailed Program

Invited Speakers & Discussants

Accepted Papers

Author Guidance