Session 1: LabPhon for Words
Yuhyeon Seo, Olga Dmitrieva (Purdue U)
Cross-linguistic phonetic recalibration in bilingual lexical processing
Tim Zee, Louis ten Bosch, Mirjam Ernestus (Radboud U & Heinrich-Heine U; Radboud U; Radboud U)
Morphological effects in speech reduction are speaker specific and may partly originate from the words’ most frequent phonological context
Session 2: LabPhon for Sentences
Buhan Guo, Nino Grillo, Sven Mattys, Andrea Santi, Shayne Sloggett, Giuseppina Turco (U of York; U of York; U of York; U College London; U of York; Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle, UMR 7110, CNRS/Université Paris Cité)
The Garden Path Leading to Intonational Phonology
Nele Ots (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
Cross-linguistic survey of intonation planning: a cognitive approach
Session 3: LabPhon for pragmatics and discourse
Jason Bishop, Chen Zhou, Mei-Ying Ki (City U of New York)
The perception of prosodic prominence: continuous or categorical—and for whom?
Byron Ahn, Alejna Brugos, Sunwoo Jeong, Stefanie Shattuck-Hufnagel, Nanette Veilleux (Princeton U; Boston U; Seoul National U; Research Laboratory of Electronics, MIT; Simmons U)
Cues to a Speaker’s Previous Beliefs in English Intonation
Session 4: LabPhon for social contexts
Elena Sheard, Jen Hay, Robert Fromont, Joshua Wilson Black, Lynn Clark (U of Canterbury)
Covarying New Zealand vowels interact with speech rate to create social meaning for NZ listeners
William Clapp, Charlotte Vaughn, Meghan Sumner (Stanford U; U of Maryland; Stanford U)
Talker-specificity effects across and within social categories
Session 5: LabPhon for non-articulatory gestures in spoken language
Kathryn Franich, Vincent Nwosu (Harvard U; U of Calgary)
Phrase Boundary and Tone Melody as Predictors of Co-Speech Gesture Timing in Igbo
Karee Garvin, Walter Dych, Eliana Spradling, Clarissa Briasco-Stewart, Kathryn Franich (Harvard U; U of Delaware; Harvard U; Harvard U; Harvard U)
Effects of co-speech gesture on magnitude and stability of oral gestures