General Sessions

General Session 1: Segmental LabPhon

Kevin Liang, Megha Sundara (UCLA)
Phonotactic cues are necessary for infant morphological decomposition

May Pik Yu Chan, Jianjing Kuang (U of Pennsylvania)
Vowel perception at formant-harmonic crossovers

Mykel Loren Brinkerhoff, Grant McGuire (UC Santa Cruz)
On residual H1 as a measure of voice quality

Joohee Ko, James Whang (Seoul National U)
The time course of phonetic cue integration in Seoul Korean sibilant fricatives

General Session 2: Articulatory LabPhon

Jason Shaw, Michael Stern (Yale U)
A new dynamics for prosodically-conditioned variation in articulation

Argyro Katsika, Jiyoung Jang (UCSB; HIPCS, Hanyang U)
Prosodic encoding of focus and edge-prominence: an articulatory study of Seoul Korean

Sejin Oh, Sahyang Kim, Taehong Cho (HIPCS, Hanyang U; Hongik U; HIPCS, Hanyang U)
Variation in intergestural timing of a glide with a preceding onset consonant in Korean

Daniel Schweizer, Marc Brunelle, Suzy Ahn, Anika Audet (U of Ottawa)
Voicing in Canadian French obstruents: a laryngeal and lingual ultrasound study

General Session 3: Prominent and Tonal LabPhon

Ella De Falco, Myriam Lapierre, Alessio Tosolini, Jeremy Steffman (U of Washington; U of Washington; U of Washington; U of Edinburgh)
Acoustic vowel space expansion in Panãra: Evidence for hyper-articulated long vowels

Abdulmajeed Alrashed, Harim Kwon (Majmaah U; Seoul National U)
The Perception of Emphasis in Qassimi Arabic

Adam James Ross Tallman (Friedrich Schiller U - Jena)
Lexical versus postlexical tones in Chácobo (Pano): A corpus study based on naturalistic 

Pauline Bolin Liu, Mingxing Li (Hong Kong Baptist U)
Phonological Typology and Perceptual Distinctiveness of the [n-l] Contrast in Different Vowel and Tonal Contexts

Naiyan Du, Karthik Durvasula (Baiko Gakuin U; Michigan State U)
Incomplete neutralisation stems from planning, not gradient representations

General Session 4: Non-native LabPhon

Megan Dailey, Sharon Peperkamp (Ecole Normale Supérieure - Paris Sciences et Lettres; CNRS, Ecole Normale Supérieure - Paris Sciences et Lettres)
Explicit vs. implicit awareness of sociophonetic cues in L1 and L2 listeners

Ling Zhang, Rendong Cai, Jiexuan Lin (Guangdong U of Foreign Studies)
The role of cognitive resources and L2 proficiency in L2 perceptual cue weighting

Keiji Iwamoto, Isabelle Darcy, Kenneth de Jong (Indiana U Bloomington)
Can pitch be repurposed? Tone language speakers use their pitch sensitivity to identify voicing categories in a second language: A cue-based transfer approach

Jiang Liu, Seth Wiener (U of South Carolina; Carnegie Mellon U)
L2 mental lexicon development: effects of homophone and talker variability on the learning of spoken words in beginner L2 Chinese learners

Jonathan Havenhill, Madeleine Oakley, Ming Liu (U of Hong Kong; North Carolina State U; U of Hong Kong)
Articulatory-acoustic dynamics in naïve listener imitation of Cantonese vowels

General Session 5: Developmental and Social LabPhon

Massimo Lipari, Morgan Sonderegger (McGill Univeristy)
The development of rhoticity in the Quebec French vowel system

Barbara Gili Fivela, Sonia d'Apolito, Anna Chiara Pagliaro (U of Salento)

Lauretta S. P. Cheng (U of Michigan)
Ideology and Sociophonetic Representations: Investigating the Role of Awareness and Personae in Asian American/Canadian Speech

Patrycja Strycharczuk, Sam Kirkham, Emily Gorman, Takayuki Nagamine, Adrian Leemann (U of Manchester; Lancaster U; Lancaster U; Lancaster U; Bern U)
Gender-specific behaviour in vowel articulation

Sasha Calhoun, Paul Warren, Elena Heffernan, Joy Mills (Te Herenga Waka - Victoria U of Wellington; Te Herenga Waka - Victoria U of Wellington; Te Herenga Waka - Victoria U of Wellington; Victoria U of Wellington)
Pitch span or pitch register? Exploring iconicity and gender through the Effort Code

General Session 6: Variational LabPhon

James Tanner, Morgan Sonderegger, Jane Stuart-Smith, Tyler Kendall, Jeff Mielke, Erik Thomas, Robin Dodsworth, Spade Data Consortium (U of Glasgow; McGill U; U of Glasgow; U of Oregon; North Carolina State U; North Carolina State U; North Carolina State U; N/A)
Exposing the anatomy of articulation rate across English dialects and speakers

Irene Smith, Morgan Sonderegger, The Spade Consortium (McGill U; McGill U; U of Glasgow)
Variation in prenasal allophony across dialects of English

Jiyoung Jang, Sahyang Kim, Anne Cutler, Taehong Cho (HIPCS, Hanyang U; Hongik U; MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour and Development, Western Sydney U; Hanyang U)
Glottalization of non-initial vowels in marking prosodic structure in American and Australian Englishes

Kirsten Culhane, Jennifer Hay, Penny Harris, Kate Maindonald, Allie Osborne (New Zealand Institute of Language, Brain and Behaviour, U of Canterbury; New Zealand Institute of Language, Brain and Behaviour, U of Canterbury; U of Canterbury; U of Canterbury; U of Canterbury)
From Hiatus to Diphthong: variation and change in the production of te reo Māori opening vowel sequences

Sishi Liao, Phil Hoole, Jonathan Harrington (Institute for Phonetics & Speech Processing, LMU Munich)
Rapid sound change and regional variation: /an/-rime nasalance in the Chengdu and Chongqing varieties in Southwestern Mandarin

▶ Thematic Sessions
▶ Poster Sessions