
The program is nearly final, but still subject to change.
LabPhon 19 Full Program | |
Day D-1 (26 June 2024, Wednesday) | |
09:00-17:00 | Satellite Workshops |
09:00-16:50 | CorpusPhon |
Organizers: Eleanor Chodroff (U. of Zurich), Christian DiCanio (U. at Buffalo), Morgan Sonderegger (McGill U.), Márton Sóskuthy (U. of British Columbia) | |
09:00-12:30 | Variance and invariance in Phonological Representation: Insights from Articulation |
Organizers: Sam Kirkham (Lancaster U.), Patrycja Strycharczuk (U. of Manchester) | |
13:30-17:00 | Phonetic imitation: representation, sound change, and other theoretical implications |
Organizers: Harim Kwon (Seoul National U.), Beth MacLeod (Carleton U.), Kuniko Nielsen (Oakland U.) | |
17:10-18:30 | Special Pre-Conference Lecture |
Invited Speaker: Pat Keating (UCLA) | |
Phonation across languages | |
Day 1 (27 June 2024, Thursday) | |
08:00-09:00 | Registration (coffee & munch) |
08:50-09:10 | Opening remarks |
- Ki-Jeong Lee, President of Hanyang University | |
- Taehong Cho (Director, HIPCS, Conference Chair) | |
09:10-11:00 | Thematic Session 1: LabPhon for words (Chair: Adam Albright, MIT) |
Invited Speaker: Holger Mitterer (U. of Malta, Malta) | |
Adventures in /ʔ/ | |
Yuhyeon Seo, Olga Dmitrieva (Purdue U) | |
Cross-linguistic phonetic recalibration in bilingual lexical processing | |
Tim Zee, Louis ten Bosch, Mirjam Ernestus (Radboud U & Heinrich-Heine U; Radboud U; Radboud U) | |
Morphological effects in speech reduction are speaker specific and may partly originate from the words’ most frequent phonological context | |
Discussant: Jongho Jun (Seoul National U., Korea) | |
11:00-11:30 | Coffee Break (30 minutes) |
11:30-12:30 | General Session 1: Segmental LabPhon (Chair: Eon-Suk Ko, Chosun U.) |
Kevin Liang, Megha Sundara (UCLA) | |
Phonotactic cues are necessary for infant morphological decomposition | |
May Pik Yu Chan, Jianjing Kuang (U of Pennsylvania) | |
Vowel perception at formant-harmonic crossovers | |
Mykel Loren Brinkerhoff, Grant McGuire (UC Santa Cruz) | |
On residual H1 as a measure of voice quality | |
Joohee Ko, James Whang (Seoul National U) | |
The time course of phonetic cue integration in Seoul Korean sibilant fricatives | |
12:30-13:40 | Lunch |
13:40-15:30 | Thematic Session 2: LabPhon for sentences (Chair: Shari Speer, Ohio State U.) |
Invited Speaker: Fernanda Ferreira (UC Davis, USA) | |
Prosody, Syntax, and Conversational Language | |
Buhan Guo, Nino Grillo, Sven Mattys, Andrea Santi, Shayne Sloggett, Giuseppina Turco (U of York; U of York; U of York; U College London; U of York; Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle, UMR 7110, CNRS/Université Paris Cité) | |
The Garden Path Leading to Intonational Phonology | |
Nele Ots (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt) | |
Cross-linguistic survey of intonation planning: a cognitive approach | |
Discussant: Michael Wagner (McGill U., Canada) | |
15:30-17:00 | Poster Session 1 (with coffee, 52 posters) (Chair: Eunjong Kong, Korea Aerospace U.) |
17:00-18:00 | General Session 2: Articulatory LabPhon (Chair: Ioana Chitoran, U. Paris Cite) |
Jason Shaw, Michael Stern (Yale U) | |
A new dynamics for prosodically-conditioned variation in articulation | |
Argyro Katsika, Jiyoung Jang (UCSB; HIPCS, Hanyang U) | |
Prosodic encoding of focus and edge-prominence: an articulatory study of Seoul Korean | |
Sejin Oh, Sahyang Kim, Taehong Cho (HIPCS, Hanyang U; Hongik U; HIPCS, Hanyang U) | |
Variation in intergestural timing of a glide with a preceding onset consonant in Korean | |
Daniel Schweizer, Marc Brunelle, Suzy Ahn, Anika Audet (U of Ottawa) | |
Voicing in Canadian French obstruents: a laryngeal and lingual ultrasound study | |
18:00-18:30 | Traditional Korean Music Performance |
18:30-21:00 | <Welcome Reception Buffet> |
Day 2 (28 June 2024, Friday) | |
08:00-09:00 | Registration (coffee & munch) |
09:00-10:50 | Thematic Session 3: LabPhon for pragmatics and discourse (Chair: Alice Turk, U. of Edinburgh) |
Invited Speaker: Sasha Calhoun (Victoria U. of Wellington, NZ) | |
Revisiting how contrast and prominence link: A laboratory phonologist’s view | |
Jason Bishop, Chen Zhou, Mei-Ying Ki (City U of New York) | |
The perception of prosodic prominence: continuous or categorical—and for whom? | |
Byron Ahn, Alejna Brugos, Sunwoo Jeong, Stefanie Shattuck-Hufnagel, Nanette Veilleux (Princeton U; Boston U; Seoul National U; Research Laboratory of Electronics, MIT; Simmons U) | |
Cues to a Speaker’s Previous Beliefs in English Intonation | |
Discussant: Aoju Chen (Utrecht U., Netherlands) | |
10:50-11:20 | Coffee Break (30 minutes) |
11:20-12:35 | General Session 3: Prominent and Tonal LabPhon (Chair: Sun-Ah Jun, UCLA) |
Ella De Falco, Myriam Lapierre, Alessio Tosolini, Jeremy Steffman (U of Washington; U of Washington; U of Washington; U of Edinburgh) | |
Acoustic vowel space expansion in Panãra: Evidence for hyper-articulated long vowels | |
Abdulmajeed Alrashed, Harim Kwon (Majmaah U; Seoul National U) | |
The Perception of Emphasis in Qassimi Arabic | |
Adam James Ross Tallman (Friedrich Schiller U - Jena) | |
Lexical versus postlexical tones in Chácobo (Pano): A corpus study based on naturalistic speech |
Pauline Bolin Liu, Mingxing Li (Hong Kong Baptist U) | |
Phonological Typology and Perceptual Distinctiveness of the [n-l] Contrast in Different Vowel and Tonal Contexts | |
Naiyan Du, Karthik Durvasula (Baiko Gakuin U; Michigan State U) | |
Incomplete neutralisation stems from planning, not gradient representations | |
12:35-13:45 | Lunch |
13:45-15:00 | General Session 4: Non-native LabPhon (Chair: Ocke-Schwen Bohn, Aarhus U.) |
Megan Dailey, Sharon Peperkamp (Ecole Normale Supérieure - Paris Sciences et Lettres; CNRS, Ecole Normale Supérieure - Paris Sciences et Lettres) | |
Explicit vs. implicit awareness of sociophonetic cues in L1 and L2 listeners | |
Keiji Iwamoto, Isabelle Darcy, Kenneth de Jong (Indiana U Bloomington) | |
Can pitch be repurposed? Tone language speakers use their pitch sensitivity to identify voicing categories in a second language: A cue-based transfer approach | |
Jiang Liu, Seth Wiener (U of South Carolina; Carnegie Mellon U) | |
L2 mental lexicon development: effects of homophone and talker variability on the learning of spoken words in beginner L2 Chinese learners | |
Jonathan Havenhill, Madeleine Oakley, Ming Liu (U of Hong Kong; North Carolina State U; U of Hong Kong) | |
Articulatory-acoustic dynamics in naïve listener imitation of Cantonese vowels | |
Ling Zhang, Rendong Cai, Jiexuan Lin (Guangdong U of Foreign Studies) | |
The role of cognitive resources and L2 proficiency in L2 perceptual cue weighting | |
15:00-16:25 | Poster Session 2 (with coffee, 51 posters) (Chair: Minjung Son, Hannam U.) |
16:25-17:40 | General Session 5: Developmental and Social LabPhon (Chair: Yoonjung Kang, U. of Toronto) |
Massimo Lipari, Morgan Sonderegger (McGill Univeristy) | |
The development of rhoticity in the Quebec French vowel system | |
Barbara Gili Fivela, Sonia d'Apolito, Anna Chiara Pagliaro (U of Salento) | |
Lauretta S. P. Cheng (U of Michigan) | |
Ideology and Sociophonetic Representations: Investigating the Role of Awareness and Personae in Asian American/Canadian Speech | |
Patrycja Strycharczuk, Sam Kirkham, Emily Gorman, Takayuki Nagamine, Adrian Leemann (U of Manchester; Lancaster U; Lancaster U; Lancaster U; Bern U) | |
Gender-specific behaviour in vowel articulation | |
Sasha Calhoun, Paul Warren, Elena Heffernan, Joy Mills (Te Herenga Waka - Victoria U of Wellington; Te Herenga Waka - Victoria U of Wellington; Te Herenga Waka - Victoria U of Wellington; Victoria U of Wellington) | |
Pitch span or pitch register? Exploring iconicity and gender through the Effort Code | |
19:00-21:00 | <Banquet> |
Day 3 (29 June 2024, Saturday) | |
08:00-09:00 | Registration (coffee & munch) |
09:00-10:50 | Thematic Session 4: LabPhon for social contexts (Chair: Jane Stuart-Smith, U. of Glasgow) |
Invited Speaker: Abby Walker (Virginia Tech, USA) | |
Out of context: When social context increases uncertainty | |
Elena Sheard, Jen Hay, Robert Fromont, Joshua Wilson Black, Lynn Clark (U of Canterbury) | |
Covarying New Zealand vowels interact with speech rate to create social meaning for NZ listeners | |
William Clapp, Charlotte Vaughn, Meghan Sumner (Stanford U; U of Maryland; Stanford U) | |
Talker-specificity effects across and within social categories | |
Discussant: Tessa Bent (Indiana U., USA) | |
10:50-11:20 | Coffee Break (30 minutes) |
11:20-12:35 | General Session 6: Variational LabPhon (Chair: Peggy Mok, Chinese U. of Hong Kong) |
James Tanner, Morgan Sonderegger, Jane Stuart-Smith, Tyler Kendall, Jeff Mielke, Erik Thomas, Robin Dodsworth, Spade Data Consortium (U of Glasgow; McGill U; U of Glasgow; U of Oregon; North Carolina State U; North Carolina State U; North Carolina State U; N/A) | |
Exposing the anatomy of articulation rate across English dialects and speakers | |
Irene Smith, Morgan Sonderegger, The Spade Consortium (McGill U; McGill U; U of Glasgow) | |
Variation in prenasal allophony across dialects of English | |
Jiyoung Jang, Sahyang Kim, Anne Cutler, Taehong Cho (HIPCS, Hanyang U; Hongik U; MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour and Development, Western Sydney U; Hanyang U) | |
Glottalization of non-initial vowels in marking prosodic structure in American and Australian Englishes | |
Kirsten Culhane, Jennifer Hay, Penny Harris, Kate Maindonald, Allie Osborne (New Zealand Institute of Language, Brain and Behaviour, U of Canterbury; New Zealand Institute of Language, Brain and Behaviour, U of Canterbury; U of Canterbury; U of Canterbury; U of Canterbury) | |
From Hiatus to Diphthong: variation and change in the production of te reo Māori opening vowel sequences | |
Sishi Liao, Phil Hoole, Jonathan Harrington (Institute for Phonetics & Speech Processing, LMU Munich) | |
Rapid sound change and regional variation: /an/-rime nasalance in the Chengdu and Chongqing varieties in Southwestern Mandarin | |
12:35-14:00 | Lunch |
14:00-15:50 | Thematic Session 5: LabPhon for non-articulatory gestures (Chair: Sam Tilsen, Cornell U.) |
Invited Speaker: Marc Swerts (Tilburg U., Netherlands) | |
Keeping gestures in sync | |
Kathryn Franich, Vincent Nwosu (Harvard U; U of Calgary) | |
Phrase Boundary and Tone Melody as Predictors of Co-Speech Gesture Timing in Igbo | |
Karee Garvin, Walter Dych, Eliana Spradling, Clarissa Briasco-Stewart, Kathryn Franich (Harvard U; U of Delaware; Harvard U; Harvard U; Harvard U) | |
Effects of co-speech gesture on magnitude and stability of oral gestures | |
Discussant: Jelena Krivokapic (U. of Michigan, USA) | |
15:50-17:20 | Poster Session 3 (with coffee, 50 posters) (Chair: Hyunsong Chung, Korea National U. of Education) |
17:20-17:50 | General discussion on the conference themes |