Abstract submission for the 17th Conference on Laboratory Phonology is open until Friday, November 8 at 11:59 PM Niue time through EasyChair (please note the extended deadline). Use the following link to submit your paper:
Deadline for abstract submission: November 1, 2019 November 8, 2019
Notification of acceptance: February 15, 2020
Abstract guidelines
Abstracts should be written in English and not exceed one page of text. References, examples and/or figures can optionally be included on a second page. Submitted abstracts must be in .pdf format, with Times New Roman font, size 12, 1 inch margins and single spacing.
The filename must be in the form Paper_title.pdf (e.g., Articulatory_binding.pdf ).
Do not include author names or affiliations in either the filename or the abstract itself.
During the submission process, authors will be asked to identify which conference theme(s), if any, their submission relates to, and whether an abstract is submitted for oral presentation, poster presentation, or either. Authors whose papers are accepted for oral presentation will be required to share their slides with discussants of the relevant theme in May 2020, and authors who indicate that they are submitting for an oral presentation should be committed to doing so.
During the submission process, authors will be asked to provide between three and five keywords that best characterize their submission.
Authors may submit one abstract as first author, and may be co-author on no more than one additional abstract. In other words, one may be an author on up to two submissions, but first author on only one of those. (If you have a compelling reason as to why you should be exempted from this rule – e.g., you are from the Global South and want to make the most of your conference travel opportunity – please email us so that we can discuss your situation.)