All of the presentations (oral and poster) at LabPhon 17 will be pre-recorded, and the LabPhon 17 organizers have resources to help on this front. Pre-recorded materials will be made available to participants via a password-protected Dropbox link where they can leave questions and comments for the presenters, and uploaded materials can be archived. Question and answer periods will be live on the days of the originally scheduled conference (July 6–8, 2020) for both oral and poster presenters, across a variety of time zones. The oral presentation Q&A will take place on Zoom Webinar, and the poster presentation Q&A will be through Blackboard Collaborate. While much more detail is provided below and in the linked pages, some details will follow only once we have confirmed the online platform to be used, and of course details are subject to change according to practical considerations.
Registered conference attendees can now access the talks and posters on our attendee access page!
If at any point during a live Q&A session (oral or poster), you need IT support from one of our students, please visit the following BlackBoard Collaborate Ultra room: link
Invited speakers may upload an audio or video presentation (up to 40 minutes) and/or a PDF to the LabPhon 17 Dropbox, and will be able to participate in live thematically organized Q&A sessions. For more information, see our invited speaker information page.
Oral presenters may upload an audio or video presentation (up to 20 minutes) and/or a PDF to the LabPhon 17 Dropbox, and will be able to participate in live thematically organized Q&A sessions on Zoom Webinar. For more information, see our oral presenter information page.
Poster presenters may upload an audio or video presentation (up to 5 minutes) and/or a PDF to the LabPhon 17 Dropbox, and will be able to participate in one of four scheduled poster sessions where they can interact with attendees live (via video / audio / chat) via Blackboard Collaborate. For more information, see our poster presenter information page.
Discussants are invited to choose their own format to help spur discussion and synthesis of themes, including but not limited to hosting a panel discussion with speakers, providing written commentary, or uploading a pre-recorded presentation. They will be able to participate in live thematically organized Q&A sessions on Zoom Webinar. For more information, see our discussant information page.
Attendees will have access to password-protected conference platforms (Dropbox, Zoom, and Blackboard Collaborate) where they can view and comment on presentations and other materials and interact with presenters during Q&A sessions. For more information, see our attendee information page.
Important dates
May 15: Schedule for live Q&A sessions finalized. It is at this point that poster presenters will be notified of their initial poster time assignment, and can rearrange as needed.
June 1: Online storage platform opens for uploads. Also, invited speakers and oral presenters in thematic sessions are asked to provide a draft of their slides / handout for their discussant’s use.
June 22: We encourage all participants to upload their materials by this date, which is two weeks before the conference starts.
June 23 – July 5: Conference attendees are encouraged to view presenters’ materials and will have the opportunity to contribute written questions on a discussion board.
July 6–8: Conference platform is live for eleven pre-arranged themed Q&A sessions (approximately 90 minutes each) -- seven for oral presenters and four for poster presenters.
Other notes
We are extremely grateful for the enthusiasm and patience of those involved in LabPhon 17 – it is both exciting and challenging to plan and participate in such a radically different conference on short notice. We recognize that no single plan will work well for everyone, but we hope that different components of the plan will work effectively for different people and that everyone can benefit from intellectual and social engagement with the LabPhon community over the course of the conference.
We will attempt to provide curated transcripts of all audio/video submissions. Participants are welcome to provide their own, but we do have resources to produce these if needed.
Participants will be asked to abide by a code of online conduct throughout their interaction with the conference platform.
Satellite workshop organizers are each handling the situation individually. Please see the links to individual workshops for details.