Who should sponsor LabPhon 2020?
If your institution or corporation wants to reach and support speech scientists, linguists, and experimental researchers, you should consider sponsoring LabPhon 2020. We outline suggested sponsorship levels below but welcome sponsorship at any level.
What sponsorship opportunities are available?
General Sponsorship Opportunities:
Gold – $5,000
Includes exhibition space, acknowledgment during opening and closing sessions, and prominent logo / ad placement in the conference program. -
Silver – $3,000
Includes acknowledgment during opening and closing sessions and prominent logo / ad placement in the conference program. -
Bronze – $1,000
Includes acknowledgment during opening and closing sessions and logo / ad placement in the conference program. -
Supporter – $500
Includes acknowledgment during opening and closing sessions and listing in the program.
Targeted Sponsorship Opportunities:
Coffee breaks (9 available) – $2,500
Includes your logo / ad on signage during coffee breaks and acknowledgement in program. -
Swag bags (1 available) – $2,500
Includes your sponsorship logo on bags for conference attendees and acknowledgement in program. -
Conference pens (1 available) – $2,500
Includes your sponsorship logo on pens for conference attendees and acknowledgement in program. -
Student attendee (unlimited) – $2,000 per attendee for use toward registration, travel, and accommodation
Includes named scholarship listing in the program. Sponsor can indicate preferences for who should receive the scholarship, e.g., a sponsor can specify that the award should go to a student working with a particular type of data, software, or language, or to a student travelling from a particular destination. -
Satellite workshop (8 available) – $500
Includes logo on signage during satellite workshops and acknowledgement in program. -
Student registration (unlimited) – $275 per registrant for use toward registration
Includes acknowledgement in program.
Tell me more about LabPhon17.
The Linguistics Departments at the University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University are hosting the 17th Conference on Laboratory Phonology in July 2020 at UBC in Vancouver, BC. The Association for Laboratory Phonology is a non-profit professional organization dedicated to the scientific study of all of the elements involved in spoken language, its organization, and its function. The theme of the 2020 conference is Laboratory Phonology on the Margins, which places our conference focus on empirical phonological phenomena that are often understudied and overlooked in data collection.
LabPhon attendees come from both academia and industry; attendees share an interest in research from theoretical and applied perspectives. Many attendees use or are interested in using cutting-edge technologies and methodologies in their scientific inquiries.
LabPhon 2020 will be held July 6-8 with satellite workshops on July 5 and 9. This will be the first of the LabPhon conferences held in Canada. Vancouver is a stunning tourist destination expected to attract attendees from North America, Asia, and Europe. We expect around 300 attendees for the 2020 conference.
For more information about sponsoring LabPhon17, please contact our sponsorship chair, Dr. Henny Yeung.