LabPhon 17 is 100% virtual! Registration for the main conference is completely free for ALP members. (Anyone who registered before the conference went virtual should by now have received a refund for the portion of their registration that was for the conference itself (not their membership). If you paid for membership as part of your registration and would also like your membership refunded, please contact us at labphon.17@ubc.ca, and we will process that as well.)
The registration page is now live at: https://labphon.org/content/labphon17-registration
To see what you can expect as a registered attendee of the conference, please go to https://labphon.org/labphon17/information-attendees.
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The conference organizers have some funds to help subsidize membership fees and hence registrations; the application form is available here: https://forms.gle/aELBKUNP4iXJoGSCA. This sponsorship is available to individuals who do not have funding from their department, university, or advisor/supervisor to pay for these dues. Please only apply if this is your situation, to maximise funds for those who need them.
To guarantee consideration of your application, please apply by June 19, though those who apply after this date may still receive funding.