Please click on the expandable links below to see the detailed programme for each session. Last updated on 14 June 2020.
For an easily searchable version of the programme, please click here.
07:00 – 07:05
Invited presenter:
07:05 – 07:25
Marginal phonological structure: Prosodic constituency that you cannot 'hear' in Québec French
Oral presenters:
07:25 – 07:40
Tonal Timing in Articulatory Phonology: Evidence from Igbo Vowel Reduction
07:40 – 07:55
Phonetic content and prosodic structure affect pre-boundary lengthening in German
07:55 – 08:10
Is language rhythm in the ear of the beholder? A sensorimotor synchronisation approach to the cross-linguistic study of rhythm
08:10 – 08:30
Amanda Cardoso, Erez Levon, Devyani Sharma, Dominic Watt and Yang Ye · Social Variation on the Margins
Varieties on the Margins: Individual Speech Patterns and Perceptual Evaluations
Ander Beristain and Jose Ignacio Hualde · Languages on the Margins
On the relationship between production and perception in phoneme merger in progress: Palatal delateralization in Basque
Angeliki Athanasopoulou and Irene Vogel · General/Non-Thematic
Final Stress in Turkic Languages? The Case of Uzbek
Anja Arnhold, Emily Elfner and Richard Compton · Languages on the Margins
Stressless languages on the margins? An acoustic study of Inuktitut
Anne Pycha · Phonological Structure on the Margins
Word context affects the categoricity of segment representations
Brynhildur Stefansdottir · Social Variation on the Margins
Lenition of voiced fricatives in Icelandic: Interplay of stress and style
Caroline Crouch · Languages on the Margins
Order, sonority and overlap in Georgian syllable onsets
Chin-Ting Liu · Phonological Structure on the Margins
Semantic and Familiarity Effects on Tone Three Sandhi Productivity
Christopher Carignan and Ander Egurtzegi · Languages on the Margins
Rhinoglottophilia is alive and well in Mixean Basque
Feier Gao, Siqi Lyu and Chien-Jer Charles Lin · Phonological Structure on the Margins
Morphological Effects on the Access of Mandarin Sandhi Syllables
Francesco Burroni · Phonological Structure on the Margins
Prominence clash induces localized delays in production, not rhythmic readjustments
Gloria Mellesmoen · Languages on the Margins
Modularity and the Allophone in the Comox-Sliammon (Salish) Vowel System
Heather Goad and Natália Brambatti Guzzo · General/Non-Thematic
Prosodic structure affects processing: The case of English past inflection
Hyoju Kim and Annie Tremblay · General/Non-Thematic
Testing the Cue-Weighting Transfer Hypothesis with Korean listeners perception of English lexical stress
Ivan Yuen, Katherine Demuth and Stefanie Shattuck-Hufnagel · General/Non-Thematic
Prosodic (re)-organization of article vs. pronoun clitics in English
Jasmin Pfeifer & Silke Hamann · Acquisition on the Margins
Vowel perception in Congenital Amusia
Jeremy Steffman · General/Non-Thematic
Prominence effects on the processing of spectral cues: testing sonority expansion in perception
Jiyoung Jang and Argyro Katsika · Speech on the Margins
The role of accentual phrasing and focus position in determining the scope of phrase-final lengthening in Korean
John H.G. Scott & Isabelle Darcy · Phonological Structure on the Margins
German unassimilated coronal nasals cause reduced inhibition
Karee Garvin and Eric Wilbanks · Phonological Structure on the Margins
Phonological encoding and the nature of segments
Karen Tsai and Argyro Katsika · General/Non-Thematic
Phrase-final lengthening and its interaction with lexical pitch accent in Japanese
Kate Lindsey and Christian Brickhouse · Languages on the Margins
Laboratory phonology without the lab: evaluating articulatory specification change in a Papuan language
Kevin Roon, Ana Ulicheva, Zoya Cherkasova and Petroula Mousikou · General/Non-Thematic
Language-specific and language-independent feature-based effects on response latencies in reading nonce words aloud
Kevin Tang and Jason Shaw · General/Non-Thematic
Prosody or Information rate? Informativity effects on pitch, intensity and duration in Mandarin Chinese words
Lisa Davidson, Jailyn Pena, Shmico Orosco · General/Non-Thematic
The independence of phrasal creak and segmental glottalization in American English
Madeleine Yu, Elizabeth Johnson · Speech on the Margins
Re-evaluating the Other Accent Effect in Talker Recognition
Madeleine Yu, Reina Mizrahi, Sarah Creel · Speech on the Margins
Nobody understands me but me: L2 speakers are idiosyncratically tuned to their own productions
Madeline Gilbert · Social Variation on the Margins
Stylistically-induced variability: Task effects and multilingualism
Marzena Zygis, Marek Jaskula, Daniel Pape and Laura Koenig · Acquisition on the Margins
Do children understand adults better or themselves? Perception and production study of /s, ʂ, ɕ/ contrast in Polish.
Matthew Faytak, Jeremy Steffman and Rolain Tankou · Languages on the Margins
True voiced aspirates in Yemba
Meghan Clayards, Claire Suh, Ross Otto · Speech on the Margins
Individual differences in top-down lexical processing linked to cognitive inhibition
Mengzhu Yan and Sasha Calhoun · General/Non-Thematic
Rejecting false alternatives in Chinese and English: the interaction of prosody, syntax and grammatical role
Michael Wagner, Josiane Lachapelle and Oriana Kilbourn-Ceron · General/Non-Thematic
Liaison and the locality of production planning
Nancy Hall and Bianca Godinez · Phonological Structure on the Margins
Perceptual hypercorrection in American r-dissimilation
Qandeel Hussain and Shigeko Shinohara · Languages on the Margins
Acoustic correlates of word-initial singletons and geminates of endangered Ikema Miyako Ryukyuan
Rachel Soo and Molly Babel · Speech on the Margins
Lexical competition affects Cantonese tone mergers in word recognition
Rachel Vogel · Languages on the Margins
Dissociating prosodic and segmental cues of narrow focus in Nepali
Rémi Lamarque · Phonological Structure on the Margins
Morphological convergence and rule emergence in recent morphological processes
Ricardo Napoleão de Souza · General/Non-Thematic
Domain-initial strengthening beyond phrase-initial segments in Spanish and Portuguese
Sireemas Maspong, Francesco Burroni, Pimthip Kochaiyaphum and Pittayawat Pittayaporn · Languages on the Margins
Interaction of initial geminates and stress: a case study of Pattani Malay
Tatiana Luchkina, Helen Koulidobrova and Jeffrey Levi Palmer · Acquisition on the Margins
Phonetic basis of sonority in American Sign Language
Una Y. Chow · Speech on the Margins
Formant frequencies and frication of the ‘fricative vowel’ [ʐ] in Mandarin
Wei Lai and Aini Lai · General/Non-Thematic
Integrating phonetic and phonological aspects of Mandarin third tone sandhi in auditory sentence disambiguation
Xiayimaierdan Abudushalamu, Marc Anthony Hullebus and Natalie Boll-Avetisyan · Languages on the Margins
Uyghur speakers' knowledge of vowel and vowel-consonant harmony
Yaqian Huang and Yuan Chai · General/Non-Thematic
F0 and voice quality of coarticulated Mandarin tones
Yohann Meynadier, Noël Nguyen and Sophie Dufour · Phonological Structure on the Margins
Voicing-feature opacity of whispered French fricatives: the interplay between duration and position in voicing identification
Yuting Guo, Harim Kwon · General/Non-Thematic
Do Mandarin listeners use post-stop F0 to distinguish phonological voicing?
Zoe McKenzie · Phonological Structure on the Margins
The perceptual basis of length co-occurrence restrictions
16:00 – 16:05
Invited presenter:
16:05 – 16:25
Languages on the margins: sounds and the impact of sound-based research for language (re)vitalization
Oral presenters:
16:25 – 16:40
Relative cue weighting in the production and perception of register
16:40 – 16:55
Modeling the development of a new vowel feature: rhoticity in Kalasha
16:55 – 17:10
Lexical stress: Phonetic variation under phonological stability in 23 Australian languages
17:10 – 17:30
Languages on the margins – some thoughts
Abby Walker, Carla Fernandez and Janet van Hell · General/Non-Thematic
Unpredictable speakers: Evidence that social category labels mediate the role of experience
Alexandra Pfiffner · General/Non-Thematic
Tonogenesis in Afrikaans: Age and Gender Differences in Cue Weighting
Anne-France Pinget · Social Variation on the Margins
Do spontaneous imitation capacities explain the spread of sound change?
Chenhao Chiu, Yu-An Lu, Shao-Jie Jin and Kuei Hong Lin · General/Non-Thematic
Prosody-modulated and vowel-dependent nasal merging in Taiwan Mandarin
Claire Nance and Sam Kirkham · Languages on the Margins
Acoustic-articulatory dynamics of palatalisation in Scottish Gaelic sonorants
Cynthia G. Clopper, Rachel Steindel Burdin and Rory Turnbull · Social Variation on the Margins
Geographic mobility and the Northern Cities Shift in the American Midwest
Emily Gorman, Sam Kirkham and Patrycja Strycharczuk · General/Non-Thematic
Towards a phonetic definition of diphthongs
Irfana M and Phil Howson · General/Non-Thematic
What does cross-linguistic perceptual tell us about phonological categories?
Jalal Al-Tamimi · General/Non-Thematic
The phonetic basis of the guttural natural class in Levantine Arabic: Evidence from coarticulation and energy components using Deep Learning and Random Forests
James Whang, Jason Shaw and Shigeto Kawahara · Speech on the Margins
Acoustic consequences of vowel deletion in devoicing environments
Jason Bishop and Darlene Intlekofer · General/Non-Thematic
Is the intermediate phrase the basic unit of speech production planning? Evidence from individual differences
Jessamyn Schertz · General/Non-Thematic
Imitation and perception of individual accented features
John Alderete · Languages on the Margins
Cross-linguistic trends in speech errors: Sub-lexical errors in Cantonese
Jonathan Barnes, Alejna Brugos, Nanette Veilleux and Stefanie Shattuck-Hufnagel · General/Non-Thematic
Spectral balance and phantom pitch in intonational pitch perception
Jonathan Havenhill · Speech on the Margins
Visually-oriented enhancement of vowel contrast in the Northern Cities Shift
Katherine Marcoux, Benjamin V. Tucker and Mirjam Ernestus · Acquisition on the Margins
Lombard Intelligibility Benefit in Native and Non-Native Speakers and Listeners
Kathryn Franich · Languages on the Margins
Understanding Patterns of Voicing and Prenasalization in Medʉmba: Evidence from Speech Timing
Keiichi Tajima, Mafuyu Kitahara and Kiyoko Yoneyama · General/Non-Thematic
Effects of lexical status and competition on the production of voicing contrasts in Japanese: An experimental study
Kristen Wing Yan Wong and Yoonjung Kang · General/Non-Thematic
The Emergence of Frequency Code in Sound Symbolism of Gender in Cantonese Names
Lily Obeda and Benjamin Munson · Social Variation on the Margins
Generational Change in Sociophonetic Perception
Maida Percival, Tamás Gábor Csapó, Alexandra Markó, Andrea Deme, Tekla Etelka Gráczi and Márton Bartók · General/Non-Thematic
Gemination as fortition? Articulatory data from Hungarian
Menghui Shi and Yiya Chen · Phonological Structure on the Margins
Cues of voicing contrast in two Chinese dialects: Implication for sound change
Miquel Llompart · General/Non-Thematic
The contribution of phonological and lexical knowledge to the encoding of difficult second-language contrasts into lexical representations
Noriko Yamane, Masahiro Shinya, Brian Teaman and Atsushi Fujimori · Acquisition on the Margins
Mirroring, Shadowing, and Gesture Alignment in Interlanguage English Speech
Rebecca Scarborough, Alyssa Strickler and Kuniko Nielsen · General/Non-Thematic
The effect of linguistic information on f0 imitation
Ruaridh Purse and Jianjing Kuang · General/Non-Thematic
Categoricity and Gradience in the Articulation of /l/ Vocalisation
Sabrina Bendjaballah and David Le Gac · Languages on the Margins
The Acoustics of Somali Geminates
Sreeparna Sarkar and Kathryn Franich · Speech on the Margins
Articulatory differences between true and assimilated stop geminates in Bengali
Susanne Fuchs and Marzena Zygis · Speech on the Margins
At the margins of speech: orofacial expressions and acoustic cues in whispering
Suyeon Im, José Ignacio Hualde and Jennifer Cole · General/Non-Thematic
The salience of "rhythmic" prenuclear accents: Evidence from an imitation study
Teja Rebernik, Jidde Jacobi, Roel Jonkers, Aude Noiray and Martijn Wieling · General/Non-Thematic
Experimental approaches in electromagnetic articulography
Tingyu Huang and Youngah Do · Acquisition on the Margins
Phonetically-grounded structural bias in learning tonal alternations
09:00 – 09:05
Invited presenter:
09:05 – 09:25
Speech perception and production in a second language: Why we only improve marginally
Oral presenters:
09:25 – 09:40
Contrast affects intraspeaker variability: Individual differences in Mandarin sibilants
09:40 – 09:55
Prosodic modulation and the role of the segmental gestural molecule
09:55 – 10:10
Individual variation in the prosody of Cantonese rhetorical questions
10:10 – 10:30
12:20 – 12:25
Oral presenters:
12:25 – 12:40
At the margins of vowel-space change: Leaders and laggers in the evolution of vocalic subsystems
12:55 – 13:10
A Pathway to Tonogenesis: Shifting Language Dynamics in Kuy and the Perception-Production Link
Andrei Munteanu · Speech on the Margins
Using Chess Metrics to Measure the Effect of Emotion on Formants
Brett Baker, Rikke Bundgaard-Nielsen, Peter Nyhuis, Hywel Stoakes and Janet Fletcher · Phonological Structure on the Margins
Lengthening of VC intervals in Wubuy stress
Dominic Schmitz, Ingo Plag and Dinah Baer-Henney · General/Non-Thematic
What causes subphonemic differences between different types of /s/ in English? Evidence from pseudowords
Félix Desmeules-Trudel and Marc Joanisse · General/Non-Thematic
Training confusable sounds in an L2 benefits word learning after sleep-related memory consolidation
Hae-Sung Jeon and Antje Heinrich · Speech on the Margins
Listeners' asymmetries in prominence judgement of high and low accents
Henny Yeung, Xizi Danielle Deng, Erin Jastrzebski, Elise McClay, Lydia Castro and Yue Wang · General/Non-Thematic
Visual scanning of a talking face when evaluating segmental and prosodic information
Ioana Chitoran and Anqi Liu · Phonological Structure on the Margins
The phonology of inter- and intra-segmental coordination in Mandarin codas
İpek Pınar Uzun, Seçkin Arslan and Özgür Aydın · General/Non-Thematic
What eye movements during silent reading can tell us about preverbal focus in Turkish?
Joe Rodd, Hans Rutger Bosker, Louis Ten Bosch and Antje Meyer · Speech on the Margins
Differential difficulty in changing speaking rate: Evidence for "gaits" of speech
Joshua Penney, Felicity Cox and Anita Szakay · General/Non-Thematic
Glottalisation as a voicing cue in phrase-medial and phrase-final positions
Louis Hendrix · Phonological Structure on the Margins
Perception of Differences in Tonal Alignment Depends on Location Relative to the Nucleus-Coda Boundary
Pauline Welby, Mélanie Clément, Jasmin Sadat, Elsa Spinelli and Audrey Bürki · Phonological Structure on the Margins
Roles of orthography and variability in second language word learning and production
Phil Howson and Melissa Redford · General/Non-Thematic
Context Effects on Schwa Production in "Gotta" Distinguish "Got to" from "Got a"
Rikke Bundgaard-Nielsen and Brett Baker · Phonological Structure on the Margins
The application of morpho-phonological rules comes with a processing cost
Sang-Im Lee-Kim and Waan-Rur Lu · Social Variation on the Margins
Enhancement of sibilant contrasts during word processing by Mandarin-Min bilinguals
Sten Knutsen, Karin Stromswold and Dave Kleinschmidt · General/Non-Thematic
Compensation, classification and inferring sentence structure from acoustic duration
Suyuan Liu, Matthew Faytak and Megha Sundara · Speech on the Margins
Production and perception of the coda nasals in Shanghai Mandarin
Tom Fritzsche, Natalie Boll-Avetisyan, Marc A. Hullebus, Adamantios I. Gafos and Barbara Hoehle · Acquisition on the Margins
Give me more! Increasing relevant acoustic variability aids 14-month-old children in learning minimal pairs
Tunde Szalay, Titia Benders, Felicity Cox, Michael Proctor · Phonological Structure on the Margins
Spectral contrast reduction in Australian English prelateral vowels
Uriel Cohen Priva and Emily Gleason · General/Non-Thematic
Utilizing mediation to understand variable consonant lenition
Xizi Deng · Speech on the Margins
Processing Tone and Vowel Information in Mandarin: An eye-tracking study of contextual effects on speech processing
Yining Weng and Chenhao Chiu · Phonological Structure on the Margins
Perceptual Cue Robustness of Consonants under Noise Masking
Youngah Do · Acquisition on the Margins
Biased learning of phonological variation: preschoolers' learning of vowel (dis) harmony
06:00 – 06:05
Oral presenters:
06:05 – 06:20
Interpreting pitch accents through the lens of informativity
06:20 – 06:35
Larger phonological planning windows trigger variation in word-final consonants
06:35 – 06:50
Two mechanisms for vowel reduction in Polish
06:50 – 07:05
Canonicity effect on perceived vowel duration: Evidence from Taiwan Mandarin speakers
Honorary discussant:
07:05 – 07:25
Alexander Martin and James White · General/Non-Thematic
Vowel harmony and disharmony are not equivalent in learning
Andre Xavier and Corrine Occhino · Languages on the Margins
Movement repetition in Libras signs
Anna Klezovich · Computational Approaches to the Margins
Semi-automatic Extraction of Handshape Inventory in Russian Sign Language
Annie Tremblay, Mirjam Broersma, Yuyu Zeng, Anna Aumeistere, Hyoju Kim, Jinmyung Lee and Seulgi Shin · General/Non-Thematic
Dutch Listeners' Perception of English Lexical Stress: A Cue-Weighting Approach
Avery Ozburn, Gunnar Hansson and Kevin McMullin · General/Non-Thematic
Learning vowel harmony with transparency in an artificial language
Aviad Albert and Bruno Nicenboim · General/Non-Thematic
Incorporating continuity in phonological models of the syllable using NAP
Claire Moore-Cantwell and Dave Kush · General/Non-Thematic
Not all wug-tests are created equal: Cognitive load impairs access to the phonological grammar
Danielle Daidone and Isabelle Darcy · General/Non-Thematic
The relationship between second-language lexical encoding accuracy and individual differences in perception, cognitive abilities, and vocabulary size
Dinah Baer-Henney and Charlotte von Kries · Acquisition on the Margins
Hypo- or Hyperarticulation? A closer look at infant-directed speech in German
Eleonora Albano, Antonio Pessotti and Carla Diaz · Social Variation on the Margins
Confusion or mistiming? An exploratory study of the stops of Peruvian Quechua/Spanish bilinguals living in Brazil
Eun Jong Kong · Acquisition on the Margins
Gradient perception in English-speaking children: A link to cue-weighting and working memory
Frans Adriaans · Computational Approaches to the Margins
Phonological cues for language separation in bilingual development: a computational approach
Jieun Lee and Hanyong Park · Acquisition on the Margins
Individual differences in categorical perception and novel phonological contrast learning
Jinmyung Lee · General/Non-Thematic
Testing Korean L2 learners of English on the use of acoustic cues to the /i/-/ɪ/ contrast in English spoken word recognition
Julien Millasseau, Ivan Yuen, Laurence Bruggeman and Katherine Demuth · General/Non-Thematic
Acoustic cues to coda voicing contrasts in Australian English-speaking pre-schoolers
Katrin Wolfswinkler and Jonathan Harrington · Speech on the Margins
Quality and quantity in the West-Central-Bavarian dialect: A comparison between children and adults
Laura Colantoni, Alexei Kochetov and Jeffrey Steele · Acquisition on the Margins
EPG Insights into First-language Influence on Second Language Gestural Timing
Marie Dokovova, James Scobbie and Robin Lickley · Acquisition on the Margins
English proficiency affects adaptation to and comprehension of Bulgarian-accented English for Bulgarian-English bilinguals
Márton Sóskuthy and Timo Roettger · Speech on the Margins
Consonants are dispreferred in vocatives: tune-text interactions in the emergence of a morphological marker
Maya Barzilai · General/Non-Thematic
Effects of Segmental Inventory on Speech Sound Processing
Philip Monahan, Rachel Soo, Monica Shah and Abdulwahab Sidiqi · General/Non-Thematic
Lexical bias in second language sibilant perception: The role of language proficiency and phonotactic context
Qandeel Hussain and Jeff Mielke · Languages on the Margins
Laryngeal typology of endangered Indo-Iranian, Sino-Tibetan, and Isolate languages
Qian Min Feng, Amy Wu, Jon Nissenbaum · Computational Approaches to the Margins
The complex interplay of perceived pitch and formant frequencies in lexical tone perception in Cantonese
Robin Fritche and Jae Yung Song · Acquisition on the Margins
A comparison of the production of alveolar stop allophones in child-directed speech versus adult-directed speech
Sam Tilsen · Computational Approaches to the Margins
The flow of speech: how Articulatory Phonology under-generates
Sarah Harper · Speech on the Margins
Consistency in difference: The relationship between articulatory variability and segment differentiation across speakers
Scott Myers · Languages on the Margins
The intonation of yes/no questions in Luganda
Stefano Coretta · General/Non-Thematic
Meta-analytical estimates of the effect of voicing on vowel duration in English are biased
Tania Zamuner, Félix Desmeules-Trudel and Amélie Bernard · Acquisition on the Margins
Toddlers recognize native-accented words faster than nonnative-accented words: A timecourse analysis of eye movements during spoken word recognition
Thea Knowles, Scott Adams and Mandar Jog · Speech on the Margins
VOT voicing distinction is robust along a speech rate continuum in dysarthria
Tim Laméris and Brechtje Post · Acquisition on the Margins
Which learner has the best profile to learn L2 lexical tones? A study of linguistic and non-linguistic learner-specific characteristics.
Yadong Liu, Arian Shamei, Una Y Chow, Gina Pineda, Alexander Angsongna, Gillian De Boer and Bryan Gick · Speech on the Margins
Head Movement and F0 Variation in Blind and Sighted Speakers' Speech
Yevgeniy Melguy and Keith Johnson · Social Variation on the Margins
Perceived foreign accent predicts intelligibility of foreign-accented speech
17:00 – 17:05
Panel discussion:
17:10 – 17:30
Group discussion among panelists and presenters
Invited presenter:
17:30 – 17:50
Building a Lexicon (on the margins)
Oral presenters:
17:50 – 18:05
5-month-olds are sensitive to phonotactic patterns in their native language
18:05 – 18:25
Discussion of Acquisition on the Margins