Registered conference attendees can now access the talks and posters on our attendee access page! Please see the following document for a step-by-step guide to accessing the conference materials and commenting on them: guide to engaging with conference materials.
If at any point during a live Q&A session (oral or poster), you need IT support from one of our students, please visit the following BlackBoard Collaborate Ultra room: link.
Registered attendees must be members of the Association for Laboratory Phonology and should register for the conference. There is no additional cost for attending the conference.
They are now able to access the password-protected LabPhon 17 Dropbox. Attendees are asked to watch / read / listen to / otherwise engage with the presentations of most interest to them before the scheduled conference dates (July 6–8, 2020). They are also encouraged to host and participate in watch parties between June 23rd and July 6th to watch (as a virtual group) submitted presentations.
Attendes can leave written comments / questions for presenters on the discussion board associated with each presentation’s materials.
They will also be able to attend any / all of seven 90-minute scheduled Q&A sessions with oral and invited presenters and discussants between July 6th and July 8th, 2020 via Zoom Webinar. These sessions will be moderated / facilitated by the conference organizers. Attendees will be able to submit questions ahead of time through the discussion board or live through the “chat” function, and the facilitator will present questions to the presenters, who will answer them orally.
Q&A sessions are scheduled at a variety of times over the three days to maximise accessibility around the world, and will be optimized for the presenters and discussants involved. Individual presenters are scheduled to have their Q&A session at a particular time within the block, and these times will be posted, though practical considerations may mean that the schedule is not adhered to precisely.
Attendees will also be able to attend any / all of four 90-minute scheduled Q&A sessions with poster presenters between July 6th and July 8th, 2020 via Blackboard Collaborate. Each poster presenter will have their own “meeting space” link to allow for video / chat-based interaction. These sessions are scheduled at a variety of times over the three days to maximise accessibility around the world.
For practical reasons, these chat sessions will not be officially moderated, and participants are expected to abide by a code of online conduct.
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Please see the following page for more information on attending the conference: