
LabPhon17 is going 100% virtual. Therefore, the information on this page is now out-of-date!
On-campus licensed childcare is available for children 18 months to 5 years during LabPhon 17. The service would be available July 5–9, 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM, at a rate of $20 / hour or a max of $100 / day, including lunch and snacks.
Please see the flier below for more detail (download here).
Note that children are welcome to attend both the reception and the banquet. For the reception, there is no charge for children 12 & under; for the banquet, children aged 0-5 years may attend at no cost, and tickets for children aged 6-12 years are US$25 each.
If you have any questions, please e-mail