The materials for LabPhon 17 are still being hosted on Dropbox, but will be removed after November 21, 2020. Please be sure you've looked at any videos / slides / presentations you're interested in, or if you're an author, recorded any comments that were stored in the Dropbox thread for your presentation, before that date.
Authors: you're of course more than welcome to host your own materials on your personal website if you so choose, but we have decided not to offer any official longterm archiving of LabPhon 17 materials.
The LabPhon 17 website and the pdf abstracts will continue to be archived on the website of the Association for Laboratory Phonology.
LabPhon17 goes virtual!
LabPhon17, the biennial conference of the Association for Laboratory Phonology, will be held online July 6–8, 2020. The conference is co-hosted by the University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University. Please watch our welcome video below!
To find out more about how the online conference will be run, check out our virtual conference information pages.
Registered conference attendees can now access the talks and posters on our attendee access page!
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The theme of the conference is:
Laboratory Phonology on the Margins
Not every speaker, community, or data point is at the peak of a distribution. Many communities, individuals, and phenomena are on the tails. The theme of this LabPhon is on these tails, these empirical phonological phenomena that are often understudied and overlooked in data collection and theoretical frameworks. Our phonological theories need to be informed by these understudied patterns, and we seek contributions to the conference that address these patterns and populations that are often left on the margins.
Planned timeline
First call for papers & satellite workshops: June 2019
Deadline for submission of satellite workshop proposals: September 1, 2019
Satellite workshop proposal notification of acceptance: September 10, 2019
Deadline for abstract submission: November 1, 2019 November 8, 2019
Notification of acceptance: February 15, 2020
Schedule for live Q&A sessions finalized: May 15, 2020
Online storage platform opens for uploads: June 1, 2020
Deadline for sharing first draft of oral presentations with discussants: June 1, 2020
Soft deadline for uploading presentation materials: June 22, 2020
Presentation materials available to view: June 23
Conference platform is live for Q&A sessions: July 6–8, 2020
Satellite events: 5 July 2020 and 9 July 2020
Please see this page for our contact details. The email address for the conference organizers is labphon.17@ubc.ca.
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About the LabPhon17 Logo
The LabPhon17 logo is intended to convey both the location and the themes of the conference. The location is reflected in the use of Vancouver’s iconic mountain (green) and ocean (blue) views, with the mountains specifically imitating the local peaks known as “The Lions.” The sun at the edge of the mountains is also reminiscent of the BC flag. The general Laboratory Phonology theme is reflected in the visual metaphor of the mountains and sea imitating a typical waveform, representing the sounds of languages. The specific theme of LabPhon 17, Laboratory Phonology on the Margins, is reflected in the sun’s light shining at the “margin” of the “distribution” of the mountain peaks.
The logo was designed by a user called overmind working through www.crowdspring.com.